User Manual

CLP-380 DATA LIST Complete Version
Normal (Default) Setting List / Liste der Grundeinstellungen (Default) / Liste des réglages normaux (par défaut) / Lista de ajustes
normales (predeterminados)
Parameter name Settings Value
Changing the key
Transposition amount
Selecting a touch response
Fixed volume
Tune Fine tuning the pitch A3=440.0Hz
PianoTuningCurve Selecting a tuning curve for a piano voice Stretch
Selecting a scale
Root note
SplitPoint Specifying the Split Point F#2
RPedalFunc Setting the right pedal function per voice
CPedalFunc Setting the center pedal function per voice
LPedalFunc Setting the left pedal function per voice
AuxPedalFunc Setting the auxiliary pedal function per voice
RPedalOnOff Turning the right pedal function on/off per voice
CPedalOnOff Turning the center pedal function on/off per voice
LPedalOnOff Turning the left pedal function on/off per voice
AuxPedalOnOff Turning the auxiliary pedal function on/off per voice
PedalPlay/Pause Assigning the SONG [PLAY/PAUSE] function to the pedal All pedals: Off
AuxPedalType Selecting a type of auxiliary pedal Make
Setting the point at which the damper pedal starts to affect
the sound
SoftPedalDepth Adjusting the depth of the Soft pedal 5
StringResonanceDepth Setting the depth of string resonance 5
SustainSamplingDepth Setting the depth of sustain sampling for the damper pedal 5
KeyOffSamplingDepth Specifying the volume of the key-off sound 5
PitchBendRange Setting the range of pitch bend 2
Speaker Switching the speaker on/off Normal (HeadphoneSW)
MidiOutChannel Setting the MIDI transmit channel
Main: Midi/Usb1 Ch1
Left: Midi/Usb1 Ch2
Layer: Midi/Usb1 Ch3
LeftLayer: Midi/Usb1 Ch4
MidiInChannel Setting the MIDI receive channel
Midi/Usb1 Ch1 – 16: Song
Usb2 Ch1: Keyboard
Usb2 Ch2: Main
Usb2 Ch3: Left
Usb2 Ch4: Layer
Usb2 Ch5: LeftLayer
Others: Off
LocalControl Turning local control on/off On
Selecting performance from the keyboard or song data for
MIDI transmission
ReceiveParameter Selecting a type of data received via MIDI All data: On
TransmitParameter Selecting a type of data transmitted via MIDI All data: On
MemoryBackup Selecting items saved at shutdown
Transpose, Main/LeftVoice,
MetronomeSetting, Function (except
for Transpose, SplitPoint and Midi
settings): Off, Others: On
FactorySet Restoring the normal (default) settings MemorySongExcluded