User Manual

The Pedals
Soft/Sostenuto (Left) Pedal.................................................................
When the power is turned on the left pedal is set for soft pedal
operation. Pressing the soft pedal reduces the volume and slightly
changes the timbre of notes played.
The left pedal can be switched to sostenuto operation by pressing the
pedal while holding the [MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button. If you play a
note or chord on the keyboard and press the sostenuto pedal while the
note(s) are held, those notes will be sustained as long as the pedal is
held (as if the damper pedal had been pressed) but all subsequently
played notes will not be sustained. This makes it possible to sustain a
chord, for example, while other notes are played “staccato.” You can
switch back to soft pedal operation at any time simply by pressing the
pedal while holding the [MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button again.
Damper (Right) Pedal ................................................................................
The damper pedal functions in the same way as a damper pedal on
an acoustic piano. When the damper pedal is pressed notes played have
a long sustain. Releasing the pedal immediately stops (damps) any
sustained notes.
ZPress and hold the [MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button.
XPress a key between F#2 and F#3 according to the desired amount
of transposition.*
CRelease the [MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button.
* Pressing the C3 key produces normal keyboard pitch. Pressing the
key to the left of C3 (B2) transposes the pitch of the keyboard down
a semitone, the next key to the left (Bb2) transposes down a whole
tone (two semitones), etc., down to the F#2 key which transposes
down 6 semitones. Upward transposition is accomplished in the
same way using the keys to the right of C3, up to F#3 which trans-
poses up 6 semitones.
Notes below and above the A-1 C7 of the Clavinova sound one octave
higher and lower, respectively.
The [MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button and keys F#2 through F#3 on the keyboard are used for transposition.
-5 -3 -1 0 +2 +4 +5
-6 -4 -2 +1
+3 +6
The CLP-311 has two foot pedals that produce a range of expressive effects
similar to those produced by the pedals on an acoustic piano.
The Clavinovas TRANSPOSE function makes it possible to shift the pitch of
the entire keyboard up or down in semitone intervals up to a maximum of six
semitones. Transposing the pitch of the Clavinova keyboard facilitates playing
in difficult key signatures, and you can easily match the pitch of the keyboard to
the range of a singer or other instrumentalist.
Damper pedal