User Manual

M7CL Owner’s Manual
Differences between the M7CL-48 and M7CL-32
This model provides 32 INPUT jacks and 32 INPUT channels.
INPUT jacks 1–32 are located at the right side of the right panel, just as on the M7CL-48 model, but there are no INPUT
jacks at the left side of the rear panel.
1 INPUT jacks 1–32
The channel strip for INPUT channels 1–32 is located in the left side of the front panel, just as on the M7CL-48 model, but
there is no channel strip for INPUT channels in the right side.
1 Channel strip for INPUT channels 1–32
In this owner’s manual, whenever there is a difference between the M7CL-32 model and the M7CL-48 model, specifications
that apply only to the M7CL-48 model are enclosed in curly brackets { } (e.g., INPUT jacks 1–32 {1–48}).