
Yamaha Commercial Audio
Live Recording with M7CL or PM5D via Dante
Next each track needs to be assigned an input and an output from the bus list
created in the “VST Connections” window. Obviously it makes sense to
assign “Mono In 1” and “Mono Out 1” to track 1, “Mono In 2” and “Mono Out 2”
to track 2 and so on… These assignments can be made in the left column of
the project window when the “Show Inspector” button is enabled.
It will take a while to assign all 64 tracks, selecting each in turn, but it only
needs to be done one time. Once completed, a “template” can be saved for
future projects.
To save a project template, open the “File” menu and select “Save as
Template…” then type a name and click [OK]. Then this template can be
selected whenever a new project is created, to instantly be ready to start