User Manual

Operation Guide
86 PSR-SX900/SX700 Owner’s Manual
Storing and Calling up Custom Panel Set-
ups—Registration Memory, Playlist
The Registration Memory function and the Playlist function allow you to save (or “register”) virtually all panel
settings, and then instantly recall your custom panel settings for your performances by a simple, one-touch opera-
tion. The Playlist is especially useful for managing your repertoire, letting you select only the desired panel set-
tings from the huge repertoire in the Registration Memory and create a new list.
Registration Memory
This function allows you to save (register) your custom panel settings to one of the Registration Memory buttons
for easy recall.
There are eight Registration Memory buttons on the panel. You can save all eight registered panel setups as a Sin-
gle Registration Memory Bank file.
The Playlist function allows you to create your own live performance set list. You can select only the desired files
from the huge number of the Registration Memory Bank files without changing the bank file configuration.
Each Playlist Record can directly recall a specified Registration Memory in the selected Registration Memory
Bank file. You can collectively store the Playlist Records as a single Playlist file.
For information on the parameters that can be registered with the Registration Memory function, refer to the Registration section of the “Parameter Chart” in the Data List on the