User guide

When using the VOICE EDITOR you will want to
DITOR (.w7e) file.
ly created VOICE
Editor. This way
t data associated
MULTI editor is the
Import Voice
store your edit to in a VOICE E
Then you will import that new
EDITOR file with the Multi-Part
you will always have the curren
with your session.
Shown here on the toolbar of the
n. This allows
all your Motif ES
Voice data as .w7e
r files so
that you can easily
eference and update your Voice selection. This allows
you to always be able to know what is in your User bank
– where you would need a different script file for each,
you can use the Voice Editor (.w7e) files as this
reference material.
Recalling a Studio Connections setup
the Multi-Part Editor
to “know” what
Voices are current
in your internal
USER1, USER2 and
It is recommended
that user of the
Multi-Part Editor
keep a folder with
Voice Edito
When you open your Cubase SX3 (or Nuendo3)
Project file, you will be prompted and reminded
what you had open as far as hardware on this
project. Shown above you can see a session
where I was using an 01X and the Motif ES 6/7/8
Multi-Part Editors. It is asking me to confirm that I
want to send the stored Editor information back
“To Hardware”. I have an option to request “From
Hardware” – this would be used if I was working
with my 01X and Motif ES away from the
computer environment and want to import that to
the stored Cubase Project. Remember the
advantage of mLAN and its hardware is that you
can work without a computer on line. And your
system is easily expandable.