User Manual

ML Touch User’s Guide 11
Part names and functions
This window is used to perform various useful functions during a lesson.
Switch the mode with the buttons at the bottom of the window.
q Target Instrument button
Displays the TARGET INSTRUMENT window to select a target student or group. (
page 13)
w XG ON/GM ON button
Sends XG ON/GM ON to reset the sound source on the instrument.
e Lighted Key Mode button
Turns on/off the function for lighting the guide lamps on the student’s instrument during the
instructor’s keyboard performance.
This can be used with instruments that support the guide lamp function. With other
instruments, be sure to turn this off in order to prevent unnecessary communication.
r Song Transfer button
Sends a standard MIDI file imported with iTunes file sharing to the instrument of the student
selected with the TARGET button. Tap this button to display the transmission status in a
progress bar. If an error occurred, error details will appear. In addition, this function cannot
be used with some instruments.
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