Owner`s manual

Basic Structure
Internal Structure (System Overview)
Owner’s Manual
Effect connection in each mode
In the Voice mode
The Effect parameters in the Voice mode are set for each Voice and the settings are stored as a User Voice. Note that the Master
Effect and Master EQ parameters are set for all the Voices in the Utility mode. Once the Master Effect and EQ settings have been
made, they can be stored as System settings by pressing the [STORE] button.
Ins A to B
Ins B to A Para
[VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
Tone Generator block
Element 1-4 Effect Output
EL: OUT 1-4
Element or Key
Element EQ
Determines which Insertion
effect (A or B) is used to
process each individual
Element (Key). The “thru”
setting lets you bypass the
Insertion effects for the
specific Element.
Settings: insA, insB, thru
Insertion effects
Ins A Ctgry, Ins B Ctgry
(Insertion effect Category),
Ins A Type, Ins B Type
(Insertion effect Type)
Determines the effect type for
Insertion A or B.
Ins EF Connect
(Insertion Effect Connect)
Determines the effect routing for
Insertion effects A and B. The
setting changes are shown on
the diagram in the display, giving
you a clear picture of how the
signal is routed.
System effects (Reverb effect and Chorus effect)
Chorus Ctg, Chorus Typ (Chorus Effect Category, Chorus Effect Type)
Reverb Typ (Reverv Effect Type)
Determines the effect type for Chorus.
Chorus Send, Reverb Send
Determines the level of the sound (from Insertion A or B, or the bypassed signal) that is
sent to Chorus/Reverb effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Return, Reverb Return
Chorus Pan, Reverb Pan
Determines the Return level and pan position setting for the Chorus/Reverb effect.
Settings: 0 – 127, L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Chorus to Reverb
Determines the Send level of the signal sent from the Chorus Effect to the Reverb
Settings: 0 – 127
Reverb Send
Chorus Send
Master effect
VOICE [SF2] MEF (for all
VOICE [SF1] MEQ (for all
[VOICE] Voice selection
Reverb Return
Chorus Return
Master EQ