Owner`s manual

Voice mode
Song modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Pattern mode
Mixing Voice
Song Record mode Song Record Standby mode
Owner’s Manual
Song Record Standby mode
PORT Determines the MIDI transmission port for the corresponding track. Playback data of tracks set to off is output
via MIDI without any Port message.
The internal tone generator parts of this synthesizer can be played back only over Port 1.
Settings: off, 1 – 3
n Port data can be output only through the USB terminal. No port data is transmitted through the MIDI OUT terminal, even
if the corresponding track is set to a specific port number.
[SF2] OUT SW (Output Switch)
You can also simultaneously set multiple tracks (tracks 1 – 8 or tracks 9 – 16) to the same setting as the
currently selected track, by changing the parameter while holding the [SF2] 1 – 8 button or [SF3] 9 – 16 button.
INT SW (Internal Switch) Determines whether playback data is transmitted to the internal tone generator block or not.
Settings: on, off
EXT SW (External Switch) Determines whether playback data is output to the external MIDI tone generator via MIDI or not.
Settings: on, off
[SF3] TR LOOP (Track Loop)
From this display you can determine whether the data in the selected track loops or not in playback. Using
Loop can be an effective way to repeat short patterns and phrases throughout the Song. For details, see page
Settings: off, on
You can copy any of the Preset Phrases (Dr1 – Dr4) and User Phrases in the
previously selected Pattern to the track of the currently selected song.
This function allows Songs to be “chained” together for automatic sequential playback. For details, refer to the Quick Guide on page 95.
skip ................. Skips past (ignores) the selected chain number and continues playback from the next chain number.
stop................. Stops Song chain playback at that chain number. You can restart the Song chain playback from the next chain number by pressing the [F] (Play) button.
end .................. Indicates the end mark of the Song chain data.
Song Record mode
[SONG] Song selection [REC]
Type (Recording Type) Determines the recording method. For details on each method, refer to page 138 in the Basic Structure
Settings: When the RecTrack is set to any of 1-16: replace, overdub, punch, step
When the RecTrack is set to tempo: replace, punch, step
When the RecTrack is set to scene: replace, punch
When the RecTrack is set to multi: replace, overdub, punch
n When “punch” is selected, “Punch-in measure: beat” and “Punch-out measure: beat” appear in the display and should
be set. If you’ve set the Locate 1 and 2 points (Loc1, Loc2; see page 92), the punch-in/out points can be set with a
single button press. Move the cursor to the punch-in/out value, and notice that a “COPYLOC” menu item appears. Press
the [SF1] COPYLOC button, and the punch-in/out settings are automatically assigned to the existing Locate points.
n When “step” is selected, you should specify the event type to be entered.
Quantize This parameter is available when the Recording Type is set to something other than “step.” Record quantize
aligns the timing of notes automatically, as you record.
You can set this parameter also by using the Note Type selection window called up via the [INFORMATION]
button. For details, see page 35.
Settings: off, 60 (32nd note), 80 (16th note triplet), 120 (16th note), 160 (8th note triplet), 240 (8th note), 320 (1/4 note triplet), 480
(1/4 note)
Event This parameter is available when the Recording Type is set to “step.” This lets you specify the event type to be
Settings: note, p.bend (pitch bend), CC#000 – #119 (Control Change)
RecTrack Determines the track to be recorded.
Pressing the [F6] button lets you switch between Single Track recording and All Track recording.
Settings: tempo, scene, 1 – 16, multi
Specify the source phrase from the Preset Phrases (Dr1 – Dr4)
and the User Phrases in the previously selected Pattern.
After completing the settings,
press the [ENTER] button to
execute Copy Phrase.
Specify the destination track and
measure of the current selected