Owner`s manual

Voice mode
Song mode Utility mode File mode Master mode
Pattern mode
Mixing Voice
Song Job mode
Owner’s Manual
02: Delete Measure
This Job deletes the specified measures. Measure and meter data following the deleted measures are moved
backward accordingly.
Delete Range
Settings: 001 – 999
[F5] TRACK (Track Job)
01: Copy Track
This Job copies all data from a specified source
track to the specified destination track.
The copy operation overwrites
any data previously existing on
the destination track.
Data Type to be copied Determines the type(s) of data to be copied. Select the desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings: Seq Event (all events in the track), Grid Groove (for the selected track), Mix Part Param (all Mixing Part parameters),
02: Exchange Track
This Job exchanges or “swaps” the specified type
of data between two specified tracks in the
current Song.
Data Type to be exchanged Determines the type(s) of data to be exchanged. Select the desired type by checkmarking the appropriate
Settings: Seq Event (all events in the track), Grid Groove (for the selected track), Mix Part Param (all Mixing Part parameters)
03: Mix Track
This Job mixes all data from two selected tracks (“A” and “B”), and places the result in track B. One useful
application for this would be to free up the data in track A, letting you record new data to it.
Target tracks for the Mix
Settings: 01 – 16
04: Clear Track
This Job deletes all data of the selected type from
the selected track, or from all tracks.
Data type to be cleared Determines the type(s) of data to be cleared. Select the desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings: Seq Event (all events in the track), Grid Groove (for the selected track), Mix Part Param (all Mixing Part parameters)
05: Normalize Play Effect
This Job rewrites the data in the selected track so that it incorporates the current Grid Groove settings.
TR (Track) Determines the Song track to which the Job is applied.
Settings: 01 – 16, all
06: Divide Drum Track
Separates the note events in a drum performance assigned to a specified track, and places the notes
corresponding to different drum instruments in separate tracks (tracks 1 through 8).
TR (Track) Determines the Song track to which the Job is applied.
Settings: 01 – 16
07: Put Track To Arp
This Job copies data in the specified measures of a track for creating Arpeggio data. For details, refer to page
97 in the Quick Guide section.
001 – 004 005 013
001 – 004 005 016
Delete range
Measures M006 – M012 deleted
Source data
Source Song and Track Destination Song and Track
Data Type to be copied
Data Type to be exchanged
Target tracks for the Exchange operation (01 – 16)
Track B
Mix Track
Track B
Track A
Track A (01 – 16) Track B (01 – 16)
Track for which data will be cleared (01 – 16, TMP, SCN, all)
Data to be cleared