Owner`s manual

Voice mode
Song mode Utility mode File mode Master mode
Pattern mode
Mixing Voice
Utility Job mode
Owner’s Manual
In this Mode, you can restore this synthesizer’s User memory (page 149) to the factory default settings (Factory Set). For details, see page
Setting the default display when turning the power on
1 Enter the desired mode and the program number you wish to call up first when turning the power on.
2 Press the [ENTER] button while holding the [STORE] button to register the mode and program number set in step 1.
3 Set the PowerOnMode parameter to “last” in the [UTILITY] [F1] GENERAL [SF4] OTHER display.
4 Press the [STORE] button to store the Utility setting made in step 3 above.
5 Turn the power off and turn the power on again to call up the mode/program number set in step 2 to the display.
[SF3] SYNC (Synchronization)
From this display you can set various parameters related to MIDI clock and synchronization.
MIDI Sync Determines whether Song/Pattern/Arpeggio playback will be synchronized to the instrument’s internal clock or
an external MIDI clock.
Settings: internal, MIDI, MTC
internal ..............................Synchronization to internal clock. Use this setting when this synthesizer is to be used alone or as the
master clock source for other equipment.
MIDI ..................................Synchronization to a MIDI clock received from an external MIDI instrument via MIDI.
MTC (MIDI Time Code).....Synchronization to an MTC signal received via MIDI. MMC signals are transmitted via MIDI. Use this
setting when this synthesizer is to be used as a MIDI slave, such as when synchronized to an MTC-
capable MTR. The MTC Sync function is available only in the Song mode.
n Please keep in mind that the song or pattern will not start even if you press the [F] (Play) button when the MIDI Sync
is set to other than “internal.”
n MTC (MIDI Time Code) allows simultaneous synchronization of multiple audio devices via standard MIDI cables. It
includes data corresponding to hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. This synthesizer does not transmit MTC. A device
such as the Yamaha AW2400 is necessary in order to use this synthesizer as an MTC master.
n MMC (MIDI Machine Control) allows remote control of multitrack recorders, MIDI sequencers, etc. A MMC-compatible
multitrack recorder, for example, will automatically respond to start, stop, fast forward, and fast reverse operations
performed on the controlling sequencer, thus keeping playback of the sequencer and multitrack recorder aligned.
ClockOut Determines whether MIDI clock (F8) messages will be transmitted via MIDI.
Settings: on (transmitted), off
SeqCtrl (Sequencer Control) Determines whether Sequencer Control signals—start, continue, stop, and song position pointer—will be
received and/or transmitted via MIDI.
Settings: off, in, out, in/out
off .....................Not transmitted/recognized.
in ......................Recognized but not transmitted.
out ....................Transmitted but not recognized.
in/out ...............Transmitted/recognized.
MTC StartOffset Determines the specific time code point from which sequence playback starts, when MTC is received. This
feature can be used to accurately align playback of this synthesizer with an external MTC-compatible device.
Settings: Hour : Minute : Second : Frame
Hour ................00 – 23
Minute .............00 – 59
Second ............00 – 59
Frame ..............00 – 29
MIDI IN/OUT Determines which physical output terminal(s) will be used for transmitting/receiving MIDI data: MIDI IN/OUT or
Settings: MIDI, USB
n Two types of terminals above cannot be used at the same time.
ThruPort (Through Port) Many computer sequencers are capable of transmitting data over several MIDI ports, effectively breaking the
16-channel barrier. When using the USB terminal for MIDI transmission/reception, you can have this
synthesizer respond to MIDI data over one port, while relaying the data for another port number (you can set
here) to a separate tone generator (connected to the MIDI OUT terminal).
In this way, 16 channels of data can be played on this synthesizer and another 16 can be played on the
connected MIDI device.
Settings: 1 – 8
BulkInterval (Bulk Interval) Determines an interval time for transmitting the bulk data, when using the Bulk Dump function on the MO (page
148) or receiving Bulk Request messages from an external device.
Utility Job mode