Owner`s manual

Basic Operation
Confirmation Message
Owner’s Manual
Edit Recall Function
If you are editing a program and select a different program without storing your edited one, all the edits you’ve made will be
erased. However, the edited program is maintained in a backup memory location called the Recall buffer (page 150). To
restore the lost data with your latest edits intact, use the Edit Recall function in the Job mode.
Confirmation Message
When you execute certain operations, such as those in the Job, Store, and File modes, this synthesizer shows a confirmation
message. This lets you actually execute the operation or cancel it if desired.
If a confirmation message (like the one illustrated above) appears, press the [INC/YES] button to execute the operation or
press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel it.
Information Display
This convenient function lets you call up relevant details about the selected mode—simply by pressing the [INFORMATION]
button. For example, when the Voice mode is active, you can quickly check information about which voice bank is selected,
what Play mode (poly or mono) is being used, which effects are applied, and so on.
For details, see page 219.
Note (Key) settings
Several parameters let you set a key range for a function—for example, in setting up a keyboard split—by specifying certain
note values. You can use the [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] buttons or data dial to set these parameters, or you can directly enter
the values from the keyboard by pressing the appropriate keys (as shown below).
n For details on the note names assigned to the keys, see page 14.
Job mode How to call up the Edit Recall display
Performance [PERFORM] [JOB] [F2] RECALL
Song Mixing [SONG] [MIXING] [JOB] [F2] RECALL
Pattern Mixing [PATTERN] [MIXING] [JOB] [F2] RECALL
Mixing Voice [SONG] or [PATTERN] [MIXING] [F5] VCE ED [JOB] [F2] RECALL
When Note Limit is selected, the [KBD] mark appears,
indicating that you can use the keyboard to set the
value. Simultaneously hold down the [INFORMATION]
button and press the appropriate key.