User Manual

MIDI Data Table
Data List
TOTAL SIZE = 34 22 (HEX)
TOTAL SIZE = 19 13 (HEX)
ee = Element Number (00 – 48: C0 – C6)
*1 When the Wave/Voice type is set to “voice,” only these parameters are available.
Address Size Data
Parameter Name Description Notes
46 04 00 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Type MSB
Insertion-B Type LSB
Refer to “Effect
Parameter List.”
02 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 1 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 1 LSB
04 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 2 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 2 LSB
06 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 3 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 3 LSB
08 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 4 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 4 LSB
0A 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 5 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 5 LSB
0C 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 6 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 6 LSB
0E 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 7 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 7 LSB
10 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 8 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 8 LSB
12 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 9 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 9 LSB
14 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 10 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 10 LSB
16 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 11 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 11 LSB
18 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 12 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 12 LSB
1A 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 13 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 13 LSB
1C 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 14 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 14 LSB
1E 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 15 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 15 LSB
20 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Insertion-B Parameter 16 MSB
Insertion-B Parameter 16 LSB
46 05 00 1 00 – 0C Controller Set 1 Source 0: PB, 1: MW, 3: AT,
4: FC, 5: FS, 6: RB,
7: BC, 8: AS1, 9: AS2,
12: FC2
01 2 00
00 – 23
Controller Set 1 Destination MSB
Controller Set 1 Destination LSB
0 – 35
03 1 00 – 7F Controller Set 1 Depth -64 – +63
04 1 reserved
05 1 00 – 0C Controller Set 2 Source 0: PB, 1: MW, 3: AT,
4: FC, 5: FS, 6: RB,
7: BC, 8: AS1, 9: AS2,
12: FC2
06 2 00
00 – 23
Controller Set 2 Destination MSB
Controller Set 2 Destination LSB
0 – 35
08 1 00 – 7F Controller Set 2 Depth -64 – +63
09 1 reserved
0A 1 00 – 0C Controller Set 3 Source 0: PB, 1: MW, 3: AT,
4: FC, 5: FS, 6: RB,
7: BC, 8: AS1, 9: AS2,
12: FC2
0B 2 00
00 – 23
Controller Set 3 Destination MSB
Controller Set 3 Destination LSB
0 – 35
0D 1 00 – 7F Controller Set 3 Depth -64 – +63
0E 1 reserved
0F 1 00 – 0C Controller Set 4 Source 0: PB, 1: MW, 3: AT,
4: FC, 5: FS, 6: RB,
7: BC, 8: AS1, 9: AS2,
12: FC2
10 2 00
00 – 23
Controller Set 4 Destination MSB
Controller Set 4 Destination LSB
0 – 35
12 1 00 – 7F Controller Set 4 Depth -64 – +63
13 1 reserved
14 1 00 – 0C Controller Set 5 Source 0: PB, 1: MW, 3: AT,
4: FC, 5: FS, 6: RB,
7: BC, 8: AS1, 9: AS2,
12: FC2
15 2 00
00 – 23
Controller Set 5 Destination MSB
Controller Set 5 Destination LSB
0 – 35
17 1 00 – 7F Controller Set 5 Depth -64 – +63
18 1 reserved
19 1 00 – 0C Controller Set 6 Source 0: PB, 1: MW, 3: AT,
4: FC, 5: FS, 6: RB,
7: BC, 8: AS1, 9: AS2,
12: FC2
1A 2 00
00 – 23
Controller Set 6 Destination MSB
Controller Set 6 Destination LSB
0 – 35
1C 1 00 – 7F Controller Set 6 Depth -64 – +63
1D 1 reserved
Address Size Data
Parameter Name Description Notes
47 ee 00 1 00 – 01 Element Assign off, on
01 1 00 – 01 Wave Type 0: PresetWave,
1: Voice
02 1 reserved
03 1 00 – 01 Receive Note Off off, on
04 1 00 – 01 Assign Mode single, multi *1
05 1 00 – 7F Alternate Group 0: off, 1 – 127
06 2 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Wave Number MSB
Wave Number LSB
1st bit 6-0 bit 13-7
2nd bit 6-0 bit 6-0
08 3 00 – 7F
00 – 7F
00 – 7F
Voice Bank Number MSB
Voice Bank Number LSB
Voice Number
0 – 127
0 – 127
0 – 127
0B 1 01 – 7F Pan L63 – C – R63 *1
0C 1 00 – 7F Random Pan Depth 0 – 127
0D 1 00 – 7F Alternate Pan Depth L64 – 0 – R63
0E 1 00 – 7F Reverb Send Level 0 – 127 *1
0F 1 00 – 7F Chorus Send Level 0 – 127 *1
10 1 reserved
11 1 00 – 02 Insertion Effect Switch thru, insA, insB *1
12 1 reserved *1
47 ee 20 1 00 – 7F Element Level 0 – 127 *1
21 1 00 – 7F Level Velocity Sensitivity -64 – +63
22 1 reserved
23 1 00 – 7F AEG Attack Time 0 – 127
24 1 00 – 7F AEG Decay 1 Time 0 – 127
25 1 00 – 7F AEG Decay 2 Time 0 – 126, hold
26 1 reserved
27 1 reserved
28 1 reserved
29 1 00 – 7F AEG Decay 1 Level 0 – 127
2A 1 reserved
2B 1 reserved
Address Size Data
Parameter Name Description Notes
48 ee 00 1 10 – 70 Coarse Tune -48 – +48 *1
01 1 00 – 7F Fine Tune -64 – +63 *1
02 1 00 – 7F Pitch Velocity Sensitivity -64 – +63
49 ee 00 1 reserved
01 2 00 – 01
00 – 7F
LPF Cutoff Frequency MSB
LPF Cutoff Frequency LSB
0 – 255
03 1 00 – 7F LPF Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity -64 – +63
04 1 00 – 7F LPF Resonance 0 – 127
05 1 reserved
06 2 00 – 01
00 – 7F
HPF Cutoff Frequency MSB
HPF Cutoff Frequency LSB
0 – 255
4A ee 00 1 00 – 05 EQ Type EQ L/H, P.EQ, Boost6,
Boost12, Boost18, thru
01 1 00 – 1F EQ Resonance 0 – 31
02 2 00 – 01
00 – 7F
EQ 1 Frequency MSB
EQ 1 Frequency LSB
EQ L/H: 46-182,
P.EQ: 83-251
04 1 20 – 60 EQ 1 GAIN -32 – +32
05 2 00 – 01
00 – 7F
EQ 2 Frequency MSB
EQ 2 Frequency LSB
EQ L/H: 131-241
07 1 20 – 60 EQ 2 GAIN -32 – +32