Owners Manual

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MODX+ Owner’s Manual
Playing the Keyboard
Using the Knobs to change the sound
Knobs 1–4 (5–8) let you adjust a variety of parameters for the current Performance or Part, such as effect depth, attack/release
characteristics, timbre, and others. The functions assigned to each Knob can be alternatively selected via the Knob Function
button or the [ASSIGN] button. There are basically two ways in which the sound can be controlled: controlling the entire
Performance or controlling the specific Part.
For controlling the entire Performance
Move the cursor to the desired Performance name from the Performance Play display. Or turn the [PART SELECT MUTE/
SOLO] button and select “Common” to enable the Performance Control status, and operate Knobs 1–4 (5–8).
For controlling the desired Part
Move the cursor to the desired Part name from the Performance Play display. Or turn the [PART SELECT MUTE/SOLO]
button and select any of the “1” to “16” buttons to enable the Part Control status, and operate Knobs 1–4 (5–8).
1 Press the Knob Function [TONE]/[EG/FX]/[EQ]/[ARP/MS] button or the [ASSIGN] button, so that the
button corresponding to the function you want to switch is lit.
1 [TONE]: Switches to functions related to sound settings
2 [EG/FX]: Switches to functions related to Envelope Generator (EG) and Effect settings
3 [EQ]: Switches to functions related to Equalizer (EQ) settings
4 [ARP/MS]: Switches to functions related to Arpeggio and Motion Sequencer settings
The functions currently assigned to the Knobs 1–4 (5–8) and the parameter values of the functions are shown.
2 Turn a desired knob while playing the keyboard.
The value of the corresponding parameter changes and the function/effect is applied to the sound.
Knob 1
Super Knob
Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4
Functions assigned to Knobs 1–4 (5–8).
The current values of the functions