Owners Manual

Table Of Contents
MODX+ Owner’s Manual
When the Part produces a wrong pitch, is the appropriate tuning system selected from the Micro Tuning parameter?
In case of Normal Part (AWM2)
In case of Normal Part (FM-X)
When the Part produces a wrong pitch, is the LFO Pitch Modulation Depth set too high?
In case of Normal Part (AWM2)
In case of Normal Part (FM-X)
When a Part produces a wrong pitch, are Coarse tune and Fine tune settings appropriate?
In case of Normal Part (AWM2) and Drum Part
In case of Normal Part (FM-X)
When the Part seems to produce the wrong pitch, is the destination of the controller set to “Pitch”?
No effect is applied.
Is the Effect Switch turned off?
Is the Variation Send or Reverb Send set to a value other than “0”?
Is the Variation Return or Reverb Return set to a value other than “0”?
Have any or all of the Element/Keys’ Insertion Effect Output parameters been set to “thru” in the effect setting?
In case of System Effect, have any or all of the effect types been set to “No Effect”?
In case of Insertion Effect, have any or all of the effect types been set to “Thru”?
Check whether the Insertion Switch parameters are set properly or not.
Have you exceed the number of Parts for applying Insertion Effect?
For Parts 9 -16, you can apply Insertion Effects to up to 4 Parts.
Cannot start the Arpeggio.
Check whether the [ARP ON/OFF] button is turned on or off.
Count the number of Parts whose Arpeggio switches are turned on.
You can play back the Arpeggios of up to eight Parts simultaneously.
Are the Arpeggio related parameters such as Note Limit and Velocity Limit set appropriately?
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Part Settings] [Pitch] “Micro Tuning Name”
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Pitch/Filter] [Pitch] “Micro Tuning Name”
[EDIT] Part selection Element selection [Element LFO] “Pitch Mod”
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Mod/Control] [2nd LFO] “Pitch Modulation”
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key selection [Osc/Tune] “Coarse”
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key selection [Osc/Tune] “Fine”
[EDIT] Part selection Operator selection [Form/Freq] “Coarse”
[EDIT] Part selection Operator selection [Form/Freq] “Fine”
[EDIT] Part selection [Mod/Control] [Control Assign] “Destination”
[UTILITY] [Effect Switch]
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Effect] [Routing] “Var Send”
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Effect] [Routing] “Rev Send”
[EDIT] [Effect] [Routing] “Var Return”
[EDIT] [Effect] [Routing] “Rev Return”
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Effect] [Routing] “Element 1–8”
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Effect] [Ins A]/[Ins B]
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Effect] [Ins Assign]
[EDIT] Part selection Element/Key/Operator [Common] [Arpeggio] [Common]