User Manual

2-2-8 Compressor
Compressor is an effect commonly used to limit and compress the dynamics (softness/
loudness) of an audio signal. When used with Gain to boost the overall level, this creates a
more powerful, more consistently high-level sound. Compression can be used to increase
sustain for electric guitar, smooth out the volume of a vocal, or bring a Drum Kit or rhythm
pattern further up-front in the mix.
VCM COMPRESSOR 376 This effect emulates the characteristics of analog compressors—
commonly used in recording studios. By squashing the dynamics, it
thickens the sound, making it easier to boost in the mix, and is useful for
drum and bass sounds.
CLASSIC COMPRESSOR Conventional compressor.
MULTI BAND COMP 3-band compressor.
UNI COMP DOWN Compressor using “downward” algorithm for making loud sounds quieter.
Figure 59: Uni Comp Down
A: Threshold
X: Input
Y: Output
Ratio: 1.0
Ratio: 2.0
Ratio: 4.0