
Edit Search Utility Live SetPerformance
Normal Part (AWM2) Drum Part Normal Part (FM-X) Common/Audio
MONTAGE Reference Manual
Drum Part Edit
Part Settings
Zone Settings
Zone Transmit
Ins A
Ins B
Motion Seq
Mod / Control
Control Assign
Receive SW
Osc / Tune
Level / Pan
Element EQ
Var Send (Variation Send)
Determines the level of the selected Part that is sent to the Variation effect. This is available only when “Part
Output” is set to “MainL&R” or “Drum.”
Settings: 0 – 127
Rev Send (Reverb Send)
Determines the level of the selected Part that is sent to the Reverb effect. This is available only when “Part
Output” is set to “MainL&R” or “Drum.”
Settings: 0 – 127
Part Output (Part Output Select)
Determines which audio output is used for the selected Part.
Settings: MainL&R, AsgnL&R, USB1&2…USB29&30, AsgnL, AsgnR, USB1 – 30, Off, Drum
MainL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the OUTPUT [L/MONO]/[R] jacks.
AsgnL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L]/[R] jacks.
USB1&2…USB29&30: Outputs in stereo (Channels 1&2 – 29&30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
AsgnL: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] jack.
AsgnR: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [R] jack.
USB1 – 30: Outputs in mono (Channels 1 – 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
Off: No audio signal for the Part is output.
Drum: “Drum Key Out” is displayed to determine the specific output for each Drum Key.
Note Shift
Determines the pitch (key transpose) setting for each Part in semitones.
Settings: -24 – +0 – +24
Determines the pitch settings of the selected Part in 0.1 Hz increments.
Settings: -12.8Hz – +0.0Hz – +12.7Hz
Pitch Bend / (Pitch Bend Range Upper/Lower)
Determines the maximum Pitch Bend Range in semitones.
Settings: -48 – +0 – +24
Arp Play Only (Arpeggio Play Only)
Determines whether or not the current Part plays only the note events of the Arpeggio playback. When this
parameter is set to on, only the note events of the Arpeggio playback affect the tone generator block.
Settings: Off, On
Element Pan (Element Pan Switch)
Determines whether the individual pan settings for each Key Part (made via [EDIT] Part selection
Drum Key selection [Level/Pan] “Pan”) are applied or not. When this is set to “off,” the pan position
for the each Key is set to center in the Part.
Settings: Off, On
Velocity Limit
Determines the minimum and maximum values of the velocity range within which each Part will respond.
Settings: 1 – 127
Note Limit
Determines the lowest and highest notes of the keyboard range for each Part.
Settings: C -2 – G8