
Edit Search Utility Live SetPerformance
Normal Part (AWM2) Drum Part Normal Part (FM-X) Common/Audio
MONTAGE Reference Manual
Normal Part (FM-X) Edit
Part Settings
Zone Settings
Zone Transmit
Pitch / Filter
Filter Type
Filter EG
Filter Scale
Ins A
Ins B
Motion Seq
Mod / Control
Part LFO
2nd LFO
Control Assign
Receive SW
Form / Freq
Level (Operator Level)
Determines the output level of the Operator.
Settings: 0 – 99
Level/Vel (Level Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the output level of the Operator responds to Velocity.
Settings: -7 – +7
Positive values: The more strongly you play the keyboard, the more the output rises.
Negative values: The more softly you play the keyboard, the more the output rises.
0: The output level does not change.
Time/Key (AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Amplitude
EG Times.
Settings: 0 – 7
Positive values: High notes result in a fast Amplitude EG transition speed while low notes result in a slow speed.
0: The Amplitude EG transition speed does not change, regardless of the played note.
Break Point
Determines the Amplitude Scale Break Points by specifying their respective note numbers.
Settings: A-1 – C8
Curve Lo (Low Curve)
Curve Hi (High Curve)
Determines the curve for Amplitude scaling.
Settings: -Linear, -Exp, +Exp, +Linear
Lvl/Key Lo (Low Depth)
Lvl/Key Hi (High Depth)
Determines the curve degree of the curve (above).
Settings: 0 – 99
The keyboard is divided in two at the break point.
The high-pitch side at the right is set by using the R Depth and the R Curve; the low-pitch side at the left is
set by using the L Depth and the L Curve as described below.
The Output level of the Key set as the Break Point depends on the Operator Level setting. For the Keys in
the left side of the Break Point, the Output level is adjusted based on the curve which is determined by the
Low Curve and Low Depth. For the Keys in the right side of the Break Point, the Output level is adjusted
based on the curve which is determined by the High Curve and High Depth. The Output level changes in
an exponential fashion from the Break Point on the Exp type curve and the Output level changes in a linear
fashion from the Break Point in the Linear type curve. In either case, the farther away from the Break Point
the key is, the greater the Output level changes for the key.
+exp +exp+linear +linear
Output Level
Low Depth
Low Curve High Curve
High Depth
Break Point Output Level