
Edit Search Utility Live SetPerformance
MONTAGE Reference Manual
Live Set
Live Set
Live Set Register (Register)
From the Live Set Register display you can register Performances to the Live Set. For basic instructions on
Live Set Registering, see the Owner’s Manual.
Bank (Live Set Bank Select)
Determines the Live Set Bank for registering Performances. Preset Bank and Library Bank cannot be
selected for this parameter.
Settings: User 1 – 8 (default)
Page (Live Set Page Select)
Determines the Live Set Page for registering Performances.
Settings: Live Set Page 1 – 16 (default)
Slot Select
Determines the Slot for registering Performance. When the Slot containing the Performance is selected
and press the [ENTER] button (or touch the Slot again on the display), the Performance in the slot is
replaced with the currently selected Performance.
Settings: Slot 1 – 16
[SHIFT] + [LIVE SET] (from any operation displays, other than Live Set)
Slot Select