
Edit Search Utility Live SetPerformance
MONTAGE Reference Manual
Motion Control
Quick Edit
Motion Seq
Super Knob
Knob Auto
Play / Rec
Determines the Swing setting of Arpeggio and Motion Sequencer for each Part in the selected Scene.
For details about Swing, see “Quick Edit” (page 34).
Settings: -120 – +120
Unit (Part Unit Multiply)
Determines the Unit Multiply setting of Arpeggio and Motion Sequencer for each Part in the selected
Settings: 50% – 400%, Common
200%: The playback time will be doubled and the tempo is halved.
100%: The normal playback time.
50%: The playback time will be halved and the tempo doubled.
Common: The value set in the Unit Multiply common to the all Parts will be applied.
Gate Time (Gate Time Rate)
Determines the Gate Time Rate of Arpeggio for each Part in the selected Scene.
Settings: 0% – 200%
Velocity (Velocity Rate)
Determines the Velocity Rate of Arpeggio for each Part in the selected Scene.
Settings: 0% – 200%
When the “Arp/MS FX 2” tab is selected and the corresponding Memorize Switch is set
to ON
Amp (Motion Sequencer Amplitude)
Determines the Amplitude of Motion Sequencer for each Part in the selected Scene. For details about
Amplitude, see “Quick Edit” (page 32).
Settings: -64 – +63
Shape (Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape)
Determines the Pulse Shape of Motion Sequencer for each Part in the selected Scene. For details
about Pulse Shape, see “Quick Edit” (page 32).
Settings: -100 – +100
Smooth (Motion Sequencer Smooth)
Determines the Smoothness of Motion Sequencer for each Part in the selected Scene. For details
about Smoothness, see “Quick Edit” (page 32).
Settings: -64 – +63
Random (Motion Sequencer Random)
Determines the “Random” of Motion Sequence for each Part in the selected Scene. For details about
Random, see “Quick Edit” (page 32).
Settings: 0 – 127