User Manual

MONTAGE Supplementary Manual
New Pattern Sequencer function
This new function lets you record pattern sequences to each Scene.
Playback/Waiting for Playback
Pattern Name
Indicates the selected pattern name. Touching the parameter calls up the menu to Load, Rename and create a New Pattern.
Link icon
Indicates that the Pattern data and Performance data contained in the Pattern data match.
When the Pattern data and Performance data contained in the Pattern data do not match, a broken Link icon is shown.
Performance Name
Indicates the selected performance name.
NOTE When you change the parameters in Performance, a blue flag indication appears at the right side of the Performance Name.
Time Signature
Indicates the meter of the Pattern.
Determines the starting position of Recording/Playback. The indicator also shows the current position during playback.
The measure number is in the left cell and the beat number and clock value are in the right cell.
Determines the tempo to playback the Pattern.
Range: 5 – 300
Click Settings
Opens the Tempo Settings display.
Indicates the selected scene number.
[PERFORMANCE] [Play/Rec] [Pattern]