User Manual

MONTAGE Supplementary Manual
Touching this button changes the Part’s displayed text to Main Category and Sub Category.
This button is synchronized with the corresponding button on the Play/Rec display. Changing one changes the other.
Touching this button changes the Part’s displayed text to Part Name.
This button is synchronized with the corresponding button on the Play/Rec display. Changing one changes the other.
Indicates the selected scene number.
Cancels the most recently made changes and restores to the state prior to the last changes. This job is available only when a
recorded sequence already exists and you have performed some job on the sequence data.
Restores the changes performed by Undo. Redo is available only after using Undo.
Save As .mid File
Opens the Store/Save display. You can save the selected Scene’s sequence as a MIDI file.
Load .mid File
Opens the Load display for loading MIDI files. You can select the Pattern and Scene to load after you have selected a MIDI file.
Indicates the length of the entire sequence in the selected Scene.
Shows the current position during Scene playback, and lets you set the starting position of playback.
Range: 001 – 256
[R] (Play) button or [PERFORMANCE] [Play/Rec] [Pattern] [Edit/Job]