User Manual

MONTAGE Supplementary Manual
This Job lets you create a crescendo or decrescendo over a specified range of notes. (Crescendo is a gradual increase in
volume, and decrescendo is a gradual decrease.)
Velocity Range
Determines the intensity of the crescendo or decrescendo. The velocity values of the notes in the specified range are gradually
increased or decreased starting at the first note in the range. The velocity of the last note in the range becomes the original
velocity of the note plus the Velocity Range value. If the resultant velocity is outside the 1 – 127 range, it is set to 1 or 127
accordingly. Range greater than 0 produce a crescendo, and Range less than 0 produce a decrescendo. A setting of 0
produces no effect.
Range: -127 – +127
Executes the Job to the MIDI sequence data.
Cresc. (Crescendo)
[R] (Play) button or [PERFORMANCE] [Play/Rec] [Pattern] [Edit/Job] [Note] [Cresc.]