User Manual

MONTAGE Supplementary Manual
This Job allows you to separate drum note data from a specified track.
This separates the note events in a drum track assigned to a specified track, and places the notes corresponding to different
drum instruments in separate tracks (Tracks 9 – 16).
NOTE The data previously existing on Tracks 9 – 16 and Parts 9 – 16 are replaced when you execute Divide Drum Tr. You cannot Undo this
Pattern Name
Determines the Pattern containing the drum track to be divided.
Determines the Track for which the drum note data will be separated.
Divide Drum Track
Executes the Divide Job.
Divide Drum Tr (Divide Drum Track)
[R] (Play) button or [PERFORMANCE] [Play/Rec] [Pattern] [Edit/Job] [Track] [Divide Drum Tr]