User Manual

MONTAGE Supplementary Manual
Controlling DAW Software from MONTAGE
In the Remote display, the DAW Remote Function will apply and the panel operations will be changed.
Select a behavior of the DAW Remote function from three Modes.
Settings: Track, Plugin, Transport
Track: Mode for operating multiple tracks on DAW software at the same time.
Plugin: Mode for detailed control of a specific plug-in in DAW software.
Transport: Mode for performing on MONTAGE while playing back DAW software, and recording your keyboard performance on MONTAGE to
DAW software. Using the Transport panel controls, you can control playback, stop, etc. on the DAW software. Operations other than the
Transport panel controls will be the same as normal.
Determines whether to set Local Control on or off. This can also be set from the MIDI I/O display in the Utility.
[PERFORMANCE] [SHIFT] + Number A [7] button
Assignable Knob Track Pan will be output from Port 2.
Slider Track Volume will be output from Port 2.
SCENE button Assigned functions for F1 – F8 will be output from Port 2.
Other controllers CC assigned in Remote Mode will be output.
Number A [1] – [8] Track Select will be output from Port 2.
Number A [9] – [16] Mute will be output from Port 2.
Number B [1] – [8] Solo will be output from Port 2.
Number C [1] – [8] Rec Enable will be output from Port 2.
PART [MUTE]/[SOLO] Track Group Select will be output (by eight tracks) from Port 2.
Track Group Select will be output (by track) from Port 2.
Knob, Slider,
SCENE button,
Other controllers
Output the CC which is set in the Remote Mode.
Right panel Same as the Track Mode.