User Manual

MONTAGE Supplementary Manual
Additional New Effect Types
The MONTAGE offers following new effect types.
Effect Type Description Parameter Description
Spiralizer P,
Spiralizer F
Unique filter applying
Phaser (for Spiralizer
P)/ Flanger (for
Spiralizer F)
processing with
seemingly endless up/
down pitch change.
Spiral Speed Determines the speed of the pitch shift.
Offset Determines the starting pitch in semitones.
Feedback Determines the level of the sound signal output from the effect block and
returned to its own input.
Step Mode Determines whether the pitch shifts smoothly or step by step.
Semitones Determines the pitch shift range when “Step Mode” is set to “Semitone.”
Scale Type Determines how the pitch changes when “Step Mode” is set to “Scale.”
Spiral Sync Determines the basic time period over which the pitch shifts step by step.
Ofs Transition Determines the time that elapses after the Offset value changes.
Step Transition Determines how long it takes for the pitch to change to the next pitch
when the pitch shifts step by step.
Dry/Wet Determines the balance of the dry sound and the effect sound.
Spiral Turn the LFO On/Off.
Effect Type Description Parameter Description
Tempo Spiralizer P,
Tempo Spiralizer F
Spiralizer with tempo-
synchronized LFO.
Spiral Speed Determines the speed of the pitch shift.
Offset Determines the starting pitch in semitones.
Feedback Determines the level of the sound signal output from the effect block and
returned to its own input.
Step Mode Determines whether the pitch shifts smoothly or step by step.
Semitones Determines the pitch shift range when “Step Mode” is set to “Semitone.”
Scale Type Determines how the pitch changes when “Step Mode” is set to “Scale.”
Spiral Sync Determines the basic time period over which the pitch shifts step by step.
Ofs Transition Determines the time that elapses after the Offset value changes.
Step Transition Determines how long it takes for the pitch to change to the next pitch
when the pitch shifts step by step.
Dry/Wet Determines the balance of the dry sound and the effect sound.
Direction Determines the direction of the pitch shift.
Spiral Turn the LFO On/Off.