User Manual

Edit Search Utility Live SetPerformance
MONTAGE Reference Manual
Motion Control
Quick Edit
Motion Seq
Super Knob
Knob Auto
Play / Rec
Indicates the currently selected Part. Select the Part you want to use Quick Edit with here.
Settings: Common, Part 1 – 16
When “Part” is set to “Common”
You can edit the parameters commonly applied to all Parts.
Performance Name
Enters the desired name for the Performance. Performance names can contain up to 20 characters.
Touching the parameter calls up the input character display.
FEG Atk (FEG Attack Time)
Determines the speed of filter variation from the time a note is played until the maximum initial level of
the Cutoff Frequency is reached. This parameter determines the offset value of the FEG (page 105) for
the Element/Operator Common.
Settings: -64 – +63
FEG Decay (FEG Decay Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from maximum attack level to the sustain level. This
parameter determines the offset value of the FEG parameter (page 105) for the Element/Operator
Settings: -64 – +63
FEG Rel (FEG Release Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from the sustain level to zero when a note is released.
This parameter determines the offset value for the FEG parameter (page 105) of the Element/Operator
Settings: -64 – +63
Edit Master EQ
Calls up the Master EQ display (page 159) for Common/Audio Edit.
Edit All Arp (Edit All Arpeggio)
Calls up the Arpeggio display (page 35) for Motion Control.
Edit Common MS (Edit Common Motion Sequencer)
Calls up the Motion Sequencer Lane display (page 151) for Common/Audio Edit.
Cutoff (Cutoff Frequency)
Determines the Cutoff Frequency for the Filter, when the Low Pass Filter is selected, for example, the
larger the value the brighter the decay. This parameter determines the offset value of the Filter Cutoff
Frequency (page 102) for the Element/Drum Key/Operator Common.
Settings: -64 – +63
Determines the emphasis given to the Cutoff Frequency. This parameter determines the offset value of
the Filter Resonance (page 103) for the Element/Drum Key/Operator Common.
Settings: -64 – +63
FEG Depth
Determines the range over which the cutoff frequency of the Filter EG changes. This parameter
determines the offset value of the FEG Depth (page 105) for the Element/Operator Common.
Settings: -64 – +63
Portamento (Portamento Time)
Determines the pitch transition time when Portamento is applied. This parameter is synchronized to the
same parameter for the Common/Audio Edit.
Settings: -64 – +63
Attack (AEG Attack Time)
Determines the speed of attack from the time a key is played until the maximum initial level of the AEG
is reached. This parameter determines the offset value of the AEG (page 110, page 129, page 143) for
the Element/Drum Key/Operator.
Settings: -64 – +63