User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Reference Pattern Mode
Pattern Job mode
Owner’s Manual
04: Normalize Play Effect
This Job rewrites the data in the selected track so that it incorporates the current Grid Groove settings.
After specifying a track (TR 01-16) to which this Job is applied, press the [ENTER] button to execute this Job.
05: Divide Drum Track
Separates the note events in a drum performance assigned to a specified track, and places the notes
corresponding to different drum instruments in separate tracks (tracks 1 through 8).
After specifying a track (TR 01-16) to which this Job is applied, press the [ENTER] button to execute this Job.
n In order to use this Job, tracks 1 - 8 must be empty. If there aren’t enough empty tracks, an error message appears. If this
happens, use the Clear Track Job (page 246) to delete tracks 1 - 8, then try the Job again.
06: Put Track To Arp
This Job copies data in the specified measures of a section/track for creating Arpeggio data. For details, refer to
page 130 in the Quick Guide section.
[F6] PATTERN (Pattern Job)
01: Copy Pattern
This Job copies all data from a selected source Pattern
to a selected destination Pattern.
After specifying the source Pattern/section, and the
destination Pattern/section, as well as setting the
checkboxes as necessary, press the [ENTER] button to
execute this Job.
n If you set the source section to “all,” the destination section is also set to “all” automatically. With this status, execute this Job to copy the entire source Pattern data to the
Preset Phrase User When this box is checkmarked, Preset Phrases (if included in the source Pattern) are copied to the User Phrase,
which will be assigned to the destination Pattern.
Duplicate User Phrase When this box is checkmarked, User Phrases (if included in the source Pattern) are copied to another User Phrase,
which will be assigned to the destination Pattern.
Chain When this box is checkmarked, Pattern chain data (if included in the source Pattern) is copied to the destination
02: Append Pattern
Appends one Pattern to the end of another to create
one longer Pattern with all 16 tracks.
n If this job is applied to Patterns which use Sample Voices,
the Sample Voices will not be appended.
n If the Pattern length becomes greater than 256 measures
as a result of the Append Pattern Job, an error message
will be displayed and the Job will be aborted.
Keep Original Phrase When this box is checkmarked, the original destination Pattern data is retained in memory, along with the new
appended Pattern data. If the box is not checkmarked, the original destination Pattern is erased and replaced with
the newly created data.
n When the KEEP ORIGINAL PHRASE checkbox is checked, this Job requires twice the number of empty user phrases as the
number of tracks containing data in which to store the appended phrase data. If the required space is unavailable, an alert
message will appear and the Job will be aborted. If this occurs use the Clear Phrase Job (page 246) to delete unused phrases
and try again.
03: Split Pattern
This Job splits a selected Pattern (all 16 tracks data)
into two Patterns. After the Split Pattern operation, the
part of the Pattern before the specified Split Point will
remain, and the part following the Split Point will be
moved to the destination Pattern.
The Job overwrites any data already
existing in the destination Pattern.
Split Point Determines the Split Point by setting a measure number.
Keep Original Phrase When this box is checkmarked, the original Source Pattern data is retained in memory and the results of the Split Job
are written to empty phrases. When this box is not checkmarked, the original Source Pattern is erased and replaced
with the newly created data.
Source Pattern and section
Destination Pattern and section
Source Pattern
and section
Destination Pattern and section
Source Pattern and section
Destination Pattern
and section