Owner`s manual

Voice Mode
MOTIF-RACK XS Owner’s Manual
Basic Structure
The Controls &
Setting Up
Listening to
the Sound
Using a Computer
Quick Guide
Level Velocity Sens
(Level Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the output level of the Element responds to velocity. Positive settings will cause the
output level to rise the harder you play an external keyboard. A setting of 0 will cause the output level
not to change. Negative settings will produce the opposite effect, causing the output level to rise the
more softly you play.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Level Velocity Curve
(Level Velocity Sensitivity Curve)
The five curves determine how the actual velocity will be
generated according to the velocity (strength) with which you
play notes on an external keyboard. The selected curve is
indicated by the graphic at the right of this parameter on the
window. The horizontal axis of the graph represents velocity, and
the vertical axis represents volume range.
Settings: Curve 0 – 4
Level Velocity Offset
(Level Velocity Sensitivity Offset)
Raises or lowers the level specified in Level Velocity Sens above. A setting of 64 results in the
original Level Velocity Sens values being used. Settings above 64 will raise the level specified in
Level Velocity Sensitivity.
Settings: 0 – 127
Level Key Follow Center Key
(Level Key Follow Sensitivity Center
This indicates that the central note for Level Key Follow above is C3. Keep in mind that this is for
display purposes only; the value cannot be changed.
Level Key Follow Determines the degree to which the notes
(specifically, their position or octave range) affect
the amplitude level (set above) of the selected
Element, assuming C3 as the basic pitch. A positive
setting will lower the output level for lower notes and
raise it for higher notes. A setting of 0 will cause the
output level not to change. A negative setting will
have the opposite effect.
Settings: -200% – +0% – +200%
Pan Adjusts the stereo pan position of the sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Alternate Pan Determines the amount by which the sound is panned alternately left and right for each received
Note On message, assuming the pan position set above as center. Higher values increase the width
of the Pan range.
Settings: L63 – C – R63
Random Pan Determines the amount by which the sound of the selected Element is panned randomly left and
right for each received Note On message. The Pan setting (above) is used as the Center Pan
Settings: 0 – 127
Scaling Pan Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Pan
position (set above), left and right, of the selected Element. At note C3, the main Pan setting (above)
is used for the basic Pan position. A positive setting will move the pan position leftward for lower
notes and move it rightward for higher notes. A setting of 0 will cause the pan position not to change.
A negative setting will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Playing strength (velocity)
Amount of
AEG level change
Center Key = C3
Higher rangeLower range
Level Key Follow and Center Key
When Level Key Follow is set to 100