Owner`s manual

Voice Mode
MOTIF-RACK XS Owner’s Manual
Basic Structure
Multi Utility
The Controls &
Setting Up
Listening to
the Sound
Using a Computer
Quick Guide
AEG (Amplitude EG)
Time Determines the AEG transition time. The Time
parameters let you set the time between the adjoining
points of the Level parameters below. A higher value
results in a longer time until reaching the next level.
Settings: 0 – 127
Attack Time
Determines how quickly the sound reaches its maximum level
after a Note On message is received.
Decay 1 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the Attack Level to the
Decay 1 Level.
Decay 2 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the Decay1 Level to
the Decay 2 Level (sustain level).
Release Time
Determines how fast the volume falls from the sustain level to zero when a Note Off message is received.
Level Determines the Level settings for the Amplitude EG. The Level parameters let you set the amount of
volume transition at each point based on the level specified in the AMP Level/Pan parameter (page
Settings: 0 – 127
Initial Level ........................ Determines the initial level at the moment a Note On message is received.
Attack Level....................... Determines the maximum level which the envelope reaches after a Note On message is
Decay 1 Level ................... Determines the level which the envelope reaches from the Attack Level after the Decay 1 Time
Decay 2 Level ................... Determines the level which will be maintained while a note is held from the Decay 1 Level.
Time Vel Sens
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the AEG transition time (speed) responds to velocity, or the strength with which the
note is pressed. When this is set to a positive value, high velocities result in a fast AEG transition
speed while low velocities result in a slow speed, as shown below. When this is set to a negative
value, the opposite effect is produced: High velocities result in a slow AEG transition speed while
low velocities result in a fast speed. When this is set to 0, the amplitude transition speed does not
change no matter what the velocity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity
Determines the part of the Amplitude EG affected by the Time Vel Sens parameter.
Settings: attack, atk+dcy, decay, atk+rls, all
attack................................. Time Vel Sens affects the Attack Time.
atk+dcy (attack+decay).... Time Vel Sens affects the Attack Time and Decay 1 Time.
decay ................................ Time Vel Sens affects the Decay 1/2 Time.
atk+rls (attack+release) .... Time Vel Sens affects the Attack Time and Release Time.
all....................................... Time Vel Sens affects all the Amplitude EG Time parameters.
Half Damper
(Half Damper Switch)
When the Half Damper Switch is set to on, you can produce a “half-pedal” effect just as on a real
acoustic piano by using the external Controller assigned to control change number 64.
Settings: off, on
Half Damper Time Determines how quickly the sound decays to silence after a Note Off message is received while
maximizing the effect by using the external Controller assigned to control change number 64 with
the Half Damper parameter turned on.
Settings: 0 – 127
Time Key Follow Center Key
(EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity
Center Key)
Determines the central note for the “Time Key
Follow.” When the Center Key note is played,
the AEG behaves according to its actual
Settings: C -2 – G8
Level (Volume)
Pressing a key (Note On)
Releasing a key (Note Off)
Attack Level
Faster speed
High Velocity
Slower speed
Low Velocity
Positive value
Negative value
Higher range
Lower range
Slower speed
Center key