Owner`s manual

Voice Mode
MOTIF-RACK XS Owner’s Manual
Basic Structure
The Controls &
Setting Up
Listening to
the Sound
Using a Computer
Quick Guide
Drum Voice Edit
Each Drum Voice can consist of up to 73 Drum Keys, assigned to notes (C0 to C6). There are two types of Drum Voice Edit:
those for Common Edit to edit the settings common to all keys, and those for Key Edit to edit individual keys. In this section, we’ll
cover the Drum Voice parameters.
Common Edit
These parameters are for making global (or common) edits to all keys of the selected Drum Voice.
[VOICE] select desired Drum Voice [EDIT] select desired display in the Voice Edit Select display [ENTER] Edit display
1 Name
This is the same as the Name display in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 65).
2 Play Mode
This is the same as the Play Mode display in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 65). The following settings are not available for Drum Voice:
Note Shift settings, Mono/Poly settings, Key Assign mode settings, Portamento settings, Micro tuning settings.
3 Arp Select (Arpeggio Select)
This is the same as the Arp Select display in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 66).
4 Filter
This is the same as the Filter display in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 68).
5 EG
This is the same as the EG display in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 68). The following parameters are not available for Drum Voice: FEG
Attack Time, FEG Decay Time, FEG Release Time, FEG Depth, AEG Sustain Level, AEG Release Time.
6 3 Band EQ
This is the same as the 3 Band EQ display in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 71).
7 Control
This is the same as the Control display in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 71). The Element Switch parameters on the MOTIF-RACK XS
Editor are not available for Drum Voice.
8 Effect
This is the same as the Effect in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 72). The main difference is that the Insertion Effect Out parameter on the
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor is set for each Drum Key. In addition to that, four parameters are available. In this section, we’ll describe only those
parameters which are different from the Normal Voice.
Key Out (Drum Key Out) Determines which Insertion Effect (A or B) is used to process each individual Drum Key, and which
is bypassed (thru). This Parameter can be set for each Drum Key selected in the Key parameter.
Settings: thru (through), Ins A (Insertion A), Ins B (Insertion B)
Key Determines the Drum Key to be edited. You can select the key by clicking the keyboard on the
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor. The parameters Key Out, Reverb Send (Key Reverb Send) and Chorus
Send (Key Chorus Send) can be set for each Drum Key.
Settings: C0 – C6
Chorus Send
(Key Chorus Send)
Determines the level of the Drum Key sound (the bypassed signal) that is sent to Chorus effect. The
setting here is available only when the Key Out parameter is set to “thru.”
Settings: 0 – 127
Reverb Send
(Key Reverb Send)
Determines the level of the Drum Key sound (the bypassed signal) that is sent to Reverb effect. The
setting here is available only when the Key Out parameter is set to “thru.”
Settings: 0 – 127
Voice Play display
Voice Edit Select display
(Drum Voice)
Edit display
(example: Name display)