Owner`s manual

Voice Mode
MOTIF-RACK XS Owner’s Manual
Basic Structure
The Controls &
Setting Up
Listening to
the Sound
Using a Computer
Quick Guide
Output Select Determines the specific output(s) for the individual Drum key signal. You can assign each individual
Drum key sound to be output from a specific hardware output jack on the rear panel. This parameter
is useful when you wish to apply a connected external effect to a specific drum instrument. The
setting here is available only when the “Ins Effect Output” parameter is set to “thru.”
Settings: For details, refer to the “Output Select List” (page 90) of the Supplementary information.
(Coarse Tuning)
Determines the pitch of each Drum Key in semitones.
Settings: -48semi – +0semi – +48semi
(Fine Tuning)
Determines the pitch of each Drum Key in cents.
Settings: -64 cents – +0 cent – +63 cents
Vel Sens
(Pitch Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the pitch of the Drum Key responds to velocity. Positive settings will cause the pitch
to rise the more strongly you play an external keyboard and negative settings will cause it to fall. A
setting of 0 results in no change in pitch.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Filter Type
Cutoff Raises or lowers the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter to adjust the tone brilliance. The sound
can be brightened by raising the cutoff frequency, and darkened or muffled by lowering it.
Settings: 0 – 255
Cutoff Vel Sens
(Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the Cutoff Frequency responds to velocity, or the strength with which you play
notes. Positive settings will cause the Cutoff Frequency to rise the harder you play an external
keyboard. A setting of 0 will cause the Cutoff Frequency not to change depending on velocity.
Negative settings will cause the Cutoff Frequency to rise the more softly you play.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Resonance Determines the emphasis given to the Cutoff Frequency to add further character to the sound.
Higher values result in a more pronounced effect. This can be used in combination with the cutoff
frequency parameter to add further character to the sound.
Settings: 0 – 127
HPF Cutoff
(High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency)
Determines the Cutoff Frequency of the High Pass Filter. The sound can be brightened by raising the
cutoff frequency, and darkened or muffled by lowering it.
Settings: 0 – 255
AMP Level/Pan
Level Determines the output level of the Drum Key.
Settings: 0 – 127
Velocity Sens
(Level Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the output level of the Drum Key responds to velocity. Positive settings will cause
the output level to rise the harder you play an external keyboard. A setting of 0 will cause the output
level not to change. Negative settings will cause the output level to rise the more softly you play an
external keyboard.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Pan Adjusts the stereo pan position of the sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Alternate Pan Determines the amount by which the sound is panned alternately left and right for each received
Note On message, assuming the pan position set above as center. Higher values increase the width
of the Pan range.
Settings: L63 – C – R63
Random Pan Determines the amount by which the sound of the selected Drum Key is panned randomly left and
right for each received Note On message. The Pan setting (above) is used as the Center Pan
Settings: 0 – 127