
Songs and Patterns can use up to 16 nor-
mal Parts, which can be set in the Mixing
Mode. Each Part can be assigned to an
individual MIDI channel, but several parts
can also be assigned to the same MIDI
The top level is the Master Mode, which is
used to sum up the programs of the other
Modes. So the Master programs can be
assigned to either Voices, Performances,
Songs, or Patterns. In addition the master-
keyboard functions can be used to control
external MIDI devices from different zones.
banK- / GroUP- /
nUmber bUttonS
The selection of Voices and Performan-
ces are done with the Bank, Group, and
Number buttons.
The Bank buttons are used to select the
Voice Banks (PRE1 to USER DR) and the
Performance Banks (USER1 to USER3 or
USER4). In addition, they select the Main
Categories when the CATEGORY SEARCH
function is activated (see sub-label of the
The Group buttons are used to select the
Voice or Performance Groups A - H. These
consist of 16 programs each. They can also
choose the Sub Categories when the CATE-
GORY SEARCH function is activated..
The function of the Number buttons
1 - 16 depends on the status of the [TRACK
MANCE CONTROL] buttons, as shown in
the table below.
In addition to the modes listed in the table
the [PROGRAM] button is of importance,
for it is used to return to the selection of
Voices or Performances in the respective
PLAY Mode.
The following sections show how to use the
Number buttons in each mode and what to
have to bear in mind.
But before we start, here‘s a short notice
for those users who have previously worked
with an older MOTIF synthesizer (eg MO-
TIF ES): On the MOTIF XS / XF the buttons
TROL were added. And instead of the com-
bined MUTE/SOLO button separate MUTE
and SOLO buttons were added. These new
buttons result in an advanced operational
The Voice Play mode is used to select
and play the Voices. In this mode, the
PROGRAM button is activated by default.
The selection of the Voice can then be done
using the Bank / Group / Number buttons.
If necessary, activate the TRACK button to
set the MIDI Transmit Channel using the
Number keys 1 - 16. Hit the PROGRAM
button to return to the Voice selection.
SOLO have no function here.
The Voice Edit mode is used for the editing
and programming of Voices.
If the TRACK button is activated, the
COMMON EDIT button selects the
Common part and the Number buttons
1 to 8 the corresponding Elements 1 - 8 to
be edited.
If the MUTE button is activated, the Number
buttons mute the Elements 1 - 8.
And if the SOLO button is switched on, the
Elements can be soloed.
CONTROL have no function here.