
Voice PlaY anD
Voice eDiT DisPlaYs
After entering the Voice mode, the Voice
Play display is active.
Here the following functions are available:
In the Voice Play display the PROGRAM button
is activated by default. In this case the selection
of Voices can be done using the Bank/Group/
Number buttons. However, if the TRACK button
is activated the Number buttons 1 - 16 are
used to set the MIDI Transmit Channel. Activate
the PROGRAM button to go back to the Voice
selection mode.
can not be used as long as the TRACK button
is activated.
After switching to the Voice Edit display (by
pressing the EDIT key) the Common Part is
selected by pressing the COMMON EDIT
button while the Elements 1 - 8 are selected by
pressing the corresponding Number buttons
1 - 8. The TRACK button is initially activated
automatically, even if the PROGRAM button was
active in the Voice Play display.
When the MUTE button is activated, the Number
buttons can be used to mute the corresponding
Element 1 - 8.
When the SOLO button is activated, an Element
can be selected for separate monitoring.
CONTROL can not be used.
In Voice Edit display various functions
are available for COMMON EDIT and
ELEMENT EDIT, which will be discussed
The Voice Banks aT
a Glance
Prior to an intensive examination of the
editing possibilities for Voices you should
first get an overview of the available
The current top model MOTIF XF features
twelve Normal Voice Banks with 128 Voices
each, which can be selected using the
BANK buttons within the VOICE mode:
The Preset Voice Banks of the MOTIF XF
are continuously sorted by Categories as
To ensure full compatibility with its
predecessor MOTIF XS, the Preset Voice
Banks 1 - 8 were adopted unchanged.
The User Voice Bank 1 contains 128
new Voices that are based on the new
Waveforms and Arpeggios of the MOTIF XF.
The User Voice Bank 1 is thus the new
Factory Bank of the MOTIF XF and should
not be overwritten if possible, especially
since the new factory Performances (USER
1) are mainly based on the new Voices of
this Bank. Of course, the Bank is also sorted
by sound Categories. Both instrument and
synth Voices can be found there.
The User Voice Banks 2 - 4 only contain a
„SHOWCASE“ selection from the Voices of
the Preset Banks. These Banks are therefore
best suited for your own creations or
optional Voice Banks.
In addition to the Normal Voices the MOTIF
XF features 64 Preset Drum Voices and 8
User Drum Voices. The Preset Drum Voices
are identical to those of its predecessor, the
MOTIF XS, while the User Drum Voices (USR
001 - 008) contain new Drum Kits based on
the additional Waveforms of the MOTIF XF.
caTeGorY search
anD faVoriTes
Instead of Banks you can also use the
CATEGORY SEARCH function to select
If CATEGORY SEARCH is activated,
the Categories are selected with the
corresponding BANK buttons. When a
Bank button is pressed, a sorted list of all
Voices in that selected Category is shown in
the display. To choose from that list, use the
Dial or the Cursor buttons. There are some
Sub-Categories in each Category to further
refine the categorisation.
The FAVORITES function plays a special
role within the Category Search system.
The Favorites can be set from within the
Category Search. Simply press F5 Set / Clear
for marking the Voice that‘s highlighted in
the list shown in the display as a „Favorite“
Voice. All available Favorites are shown by
pressing the function button F4 - when the
Category Search function is active. From
this list you can remove Voices from the
Favorites by pressing F5 Set / Clear again.
The FAVORITE list is a system setting and
is retained even after switching off the
instrument, but will be deleted if another
All file is loaded. You can prevent this by
selecting the file type „all without system“.
For security reasons you should save your
own FAVORITE liste in a separate All file.