
sampling. Each Mega Voice consists of multiple
multi-samples or Elements which heavily use
velocity switches and key splits. The Mega
Voices accommodate different playing styles
and noises of the sampled instruments such as
dead notes, hammer-on effects, ghost notes
and strummings.
On the MOTIF XS the Mega Voices focus to
acoustic guitars, electric guitars and basses. The
Mega Voice technology was first implemented
in the Yamaha Tyros.
Due to the complex structure of key and velocity
limits Mega Voices are very difficult to play
manually. Therefore special Arpeggio Patterns
have been programmed to control the Mega
The Mega Voices are stored in the Preset Voice
Bank 8 (081 to 124).
Examine the velocity zones and key splits to get
an idea of the structure of the Mega Voices.
Use the Sub-Function buttons SF1 - SF5 to
trigger the five Arpeggios that are assigned to
the Voice.
So much for the basic functions in the Voice
mode. In the next episode we will take a
very close look at a particular aspect of
the MOTIF Voices, namely the Expanded