
The following steps will repeat for all examples discussed in this
workshop - they are used to analyse the XA Control applications of
the Voices:
Select VOICE mode
Select the Voice given in the example
EDIT - F1 Oscillator
•Use the TRACK button to browse through the Elements 1
to 8 used in the Voice and control the setting of the „XA
Control“ parameter. This parameter is crucial for the Ex-
panded Articulation. The settings are normal, legato, key off
sound, wave cycle, wave random, all AF off, AF1 on, and AF2
on. „XA Control“ can be found in top of the display directly
below the „Element Switch
Use the SOLO or MUTE function to individually analyze the
Elements. The muting is done with the number keys 9-16 for
the Elements 1-8
This is the normal playing mode as we know it from synthesizers
without Expanded Articulation. The Element is played normally with
each keystroke. The XA Control is not applied for the Element.
All Voices converted from older models (such as the MOTIF ES) use
Control XA = normal“ for their Elements.
The subsequent editing and use of the XA functions is certainly a
significant enhancement of existing Voices. One more reason to
thoroughly read the information below. Only those who are able to
use the Expanded Articulation in a sensible way can fully exploit the
sonic possibilities of the MOTIF XS/XF.
Conventional synthesizers recreate a legato effect by continuing
the volume envelope of a previous note on to the next one, in the
mono mode. However, this results in an unnatural sound different
from that of an actual acoustic instrument. The Legato function more
accurately reproduces a legato effect by allowing specific Elements
to be sounded when playing legato and other Elements to be played
If XA control is set to „legato“ for an Element, this will only be played
in legato playing.
However the Play mode has to be set to „mono“ (EDIT - COMMON
- General F1 - SF2 Play Mode). So first the Elements which are set
to „normal“ are sounding. If subsequent notes are played legato,
the Elements which are set to „legato“ are sounding instead of the
„normal“ Elements.
Example: Pre5-017 (B01) Flute Legato
Element 2 = legato
Element 4 = legato
Element 6 = legato
Element 8 = legato
The Elements 1, 3, 5 and 7 are set to „normal“.
To clearly hear the difference between normal and legato, you
should mute the Elements 3 to 8. Now play with a low velocity, since
the Elements 1 and 2 are set to sound in a velocity range of 1 - 80.
Alternate between staccato and legato. You will hear that at staccato
(= Element 1) the flute sounds with a blowing noise, while at legato
(Element 2) the blowing noise is missing - just like on a real flute.
If you want to analyse some other „legato“ Voices, you can
recognize them by the addition of „legato“ to their Voice name
(eg Pre5-003, Pre5-005, Pre5-021, Pre5-022, Pre5-024,
Pre5- 026).
Conventional synthesizers are not good at realizing the sound
produced when the note of the acoustic instrument is released. The
MOTIF realizes the sound produced when the note of the acoustic
instrument is released, by setting the XA Control parameter of a
certain Element to “key off sound.” The Element is then sounding
whenever a key is released.