
To facilitate the overview, you can use the so-called ViewFilter to
specifically hide notes or certain types of events. So you can focus
on the event type you are trying to edit.
to the Tracks 1-8 or 9-16, depending on which Track is enabled via
the [TRACK] button. The full extent of the Mixing can be entered with
the [MIXING] button.
Here, you can conveniently select sounds and adjust effects, edit and
set the panorama position of a Track. It is even possible to enter the
Voice Edit mode, where you have access to all parameters of a Voice.
If at this point you like to adjust a Voice for the needs of that special
Song only, you can store it as a so-called Mixing Voice. Each Mixing
contains 16 slots for Mixing Voices. These Voices do not burden the
„normal“ user memory, and they are quickly accessible from within
the Mixing. Even if you, for example, want to compare them during
your session with a different Voice from the User or Preset memory.
All parameters and values set in the Mixing are saved with the Song.
Each Song has its own Mixing settings that are invoked along with
the Song. The most important Mixing settings such as volume, pan,
and effect sends, as described above, are available in the form of a
mixing desk from the Play mode. Even the Knob settings are effective
in the Mixing mode. The other Mixing parameters are accessible
from within the Edit mode.
The COMMON EDIT button selects the COMMON Part, in which the
following settings are summarized:
Various global settings [GENERAL]
Master Equalizer [MEQ]
Master Effect [MEF]
Controller Assignment [CTLASN]
Audio-In Part [AUDIO IN]
Effects [EFFECT]
Use the number buttons 1-16 to select the Parts 1-16 in the Mixing
Edit mode. For each Part an extensive rich set of parameters is
available, identical to the Parts of a Performance. The Mixing settings
become integral parts of Songs and Patterns by performing a Mixing
With the Mixing Job [F5] (TEMPLATE) all current Mixing settings
of a Song or Pattern are stored [SF5] (PUT) in a Template, which
can be retrieved for any other Song or Pattern using [SF4] (GET).
In this way, Mixing setups can be copied quickly and comfortably
between Songs and Patterns. The Templates are even retained after
switching off the instrument. The Mixing Job [F3] (Copy) - [SF3] (Perf)
copies the complete settings of a Performance to the corresponding
Mixing Parts (Common + Parts 1 to 4). The Arpeggio settings of
Performance Parts are just as much copied as the assignments of the
Arpeggios to the sub-function buttons [SF1] - [SF5] (ARP1 - ARP5).
Once you have invested time and creativity it‘s - like always - advisable
to store the current state. Simply press the [STORE] button. The Song
thus stored is retained even after switching off the instrument. Those
who want to be more careful with their time-consumingly acquired
results also save the current state in an ALL file on a USB stick and
secure its contents on a computer or alternative storage media.
During recording, you have a very convenient access to the volume
of the Parts by using the eight Faders. The Faders are either assigned