User Manual

Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
parameter has no effect when no Sample Voice is used by
the selected phrase.
3 Track, Measure
Determines the destination Track (01 – 16) and Measure
number (001 – 999) at which the copied Phrase starts.
This Job overwrites any data already existing in the destination
track with the exception of the Mixing setup.
[F6] Song Jobs
This Job copies all data from a selected source Song to a
selected destination Song.
1 Source Song
2 Destination Song
This Job overwrites any data already existing in the destination
This Job allows you to copy a Part of the current Song to a
specific Pattern,
1 Range
Determines the range of measures to be copied to a
Settings: 001 – 999
2 Copy Sample Voice
When this box is checkmarked, Sample Voices used by the
source Song are copied to the destination Pattern as
Sample Voices, and are assigned to the Mixing Part
corresponding to the destination track. This checkbox has
no effect if no Sample Voices are assigned to the tracks in
the source Song.
3 Pattern, Section
Determines the destination Pattern and Section (A – P).
This Job overwrites any data including the Mixing setup already
existing in the destination Pattern and section.
This job deletes all data (including the Sample Voices and
Mixing Voices) from the selected Song or all Songs. It can
also be used to delete all 64 Songs at the same time.
1 Song
Determines the Song number to be erased.
n The Waveform on SDRAM cannot be deleted via this Job even
if the Sample Voice is used in the specified Song. If you want
to actually delete the Waveform assigned to the Sample Voice
used in the specified Song, use the Delete Job (page 135) in
the Sampling Job mode.
01: Copy Song
02: Split Song to Pattern
03: Clear Song