User Manual

Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
[SF3] Song (Convert to Song)
Converts the current Pattern chain to MIDI sequence data
and copies the data to a specified Song. This function is
useful for quickly creating backing and accompaniment
parts for Song data.
1 Destination Song
Determines the destination Song by specifying the number
(01 – 64). The name of the selected Song is displayed.
2 Destination Location (Top Measure)
Determines the beginning measure number of the
Settings: 001 – 999
3 Without Program Change
When this box is checkmarked, the settings of the Mixing
and Tempo are copied to the destination Song (1). The
Tempo value is copied to the top measure (2) of the
destination Song. When the checkmark is removed, the
Voice settings in each Phrase are also copied to the top
measure (2) of the destination Song as Program Change
This Job operation overwrites any data previously existing in the
destination Song and the Undo/Redo (page 182) Job cannot be
used after executing this Job. Important data should always be
saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO DEVICE
terminal or to a computer connected to the same network as the
MOTIF XF (page 241).
[SF4] Insert
From this display, you can insert a new event to the Pattern
Chain. After setting the following parameters, press the
[F6] Set button or [ENTER] button to actually insert the
1 Event Type
Determines the event type to be inserted.
Settings: Time Signature, Section, end, Tempo Change, Track Mute
Indicates the end position of the Pattern Chain.
2 Inserting location
Specifies the location at which the new event will be
MEAS (Measure): 001 – 999
BEAT: 01 – 16 (depends on the meter)
CLOCK: 000 – 479 (depends on the meter)
3 Value of the selected event type
Enters the value of the event to be inserted. The values
available differ depending on the selected Event Type (1).
Time Signature: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Section: A – P, end (end of the data)
Tempo Change: 005.0 – 300.0
Tra ck M u t e: m (mute on), blank (mute off)
[SF5] Delete
Deletes the currently selected event. This button is not
available when the cursor is located at the Time Signature
event, Tempo Change or top/bottom of the data.
1 Select a Pattern on the Chain Play display.
This step is necessary because each Pattern has its
own dedicated Pattern Chain data.
2 Press the [EDIT] button to call up the Chain
Edit display.
3 Edit the already-recorded events.
Move the cursor to each of parameters, then set the
value by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO]
buttons. To make it easier to find desired parameters,
use the View Filter display called up via the [SF1]
button. You can use the Copy function called up via the
[SF2] button to copy the events from a specified range
to another range.
If you wish to delete the event, move the cursor to the
event to be deleted then press the [SF5] button.
If you wish to insert a new event, press the [SF4] button
to call up the Insert display. From this display, you can
input the events one by one.
4 Convert the created Pattern Chain data to a
By using the Convert To Song display called up via the
[SF3] button, you can convert the created Pattern Chain
data to MIDI sequence data and copy the converted
data to a specified Song. This function is useful for
quickly creating backing and accompaniment parts for
Song data.
Pattern Chain Edit Procedure