User Manual

Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
9 Ins FX Sw (Insertion Effect Switch)
Determines the Parts available for the Insertion Effect.
When this switch is set to on, the Insertion Effect of the
Voice assigned to the Part enabled. Make sure that this
parameter is set to on for any Parts/Voices to which you
need to apply Insertion Effects.
The MOTIF XF features eight Insertion effect systems,
letting you set this parameter to on for up to eight Parts. If
eight Parts are already turned on, the parameter cannot be
turned on for additional Parts. In this case, the switch for
another Part must be turned off before you can turn the
switch for the desired Part on. Please note that the Insertion
Effects are available simultaneously for up to eight Parts
including the A/D Input Part.
Settings: B (on), A (off)
) Volume
Determines the output level of the Part.
Settings: 0 – 127
! [F1] Part 1 – 16
Calls up this display from the Audio Mixer display.
@ [F2] Audio (Audio Part)
Calls up the Audio Part display for setting the Audio Input.
# [F5] Effect
Calls up the Effect display (page 193) in the Common Edit
$ [F6] Vce Edit (Mixing Voice Edit)
Enters the Mixing Voice Edit mode, letting you edit the
Voice assigned to the current Part. If the Drum Voice or
Sample Voice is assigned to the current Part, this button
does not appear and the Mixing Voice is not available.
Audio Input settings—[F2] Audio
From this display you can set parameters related to audio
input from the [A/D INPUT] connector and the IEEE1394
connector (available when the optional FW16E is installed).
The basic parameters for creating a Song are gathered on
this display from the Audio In display (page 193) in the
Mixing Common Edit mode. The settings made here will be
applied to the same parameters on the displays in the
Mixing Common Edit mode, and vice versa.
1 Part (Indication only)
Indicates the Part numbers.
AD (A/D Input Part)
Lets you set parameters related to audio input from the A/D
INPUT connector.
FW (FireWire)
Lets you set parameters related to audio input from the
IEEE1394 connector (available when the optional FW16E is
installed). The audio signal here is transmitted from the
computer via FW Ports 3 and 4.
The settings made here are automatically applied to the
corresponding parameters in the Part 1 – 16 display
(page 190).
2 Rev Send (Reverb Send)
3 Cho Send (Chorus Send)
4 Pan
5 Ins FX Sw (Insertion Effect Switch)*
6 Volume
* Available for the A/D Input Part only