User Manual

Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
n Regarding the MIDI Receive Channels of the Mixing Parts as
destinations, channels 1 – 4 will be assigned to Parts 1 – 4
respectively, channels 5 – 8 will be assigned to Parts 5 – 8
respectively, channels 9 – 12 will be assigned to Parts 9 – 12
respectively, and channels 13 – 16 will be assigned to Parts 13
– 16 respectively.
Unlike the Copy Performance Job, a different MIDI Receive
channel will be assigned to each of the Parts, allowing for
greater flexibility when using the created settings with a multi-
timbral tone generator.
Note that the Receive Channel of the destination MIxing Part
will be set to off if the Receive Channel of the source
Performance Part is set to off.
Mixing Voice Edit
Mixing Voices are Normal Voices that have been specially edited for and saved to specific Song/Pattern Mixings. Up to 16
Mixing Voices can be stored to each Song/Pattern Mixing. In this mode, you can edit the Voices assigned to Mixing Parts 1 –
16 respectively and store them as Mixing Voices. Mixing Voice Jobs are also available, providing convenient tools for
organizing your created Mixing Voices.
Press the [F6] Vce Edit button to enter the Mixing Voice Edit mode.
n For more information about Mixing Voices, see page 189.
Editing Mixing Voices
Press the [MIXING] button in the Song mode or
Pattern mode to call up the Mixing Play display
(page 190) in the Mixing mode.
2 Move the cursor to the Part to which the
desired Voice is assigned.
The name of the selected Voice is shown at right top of
the display. You can also select the Voice here. To do
this, press the [PROGRAM] button (the lamp lights),
then select the desired Voice by using the Bank buttons
[PRE 1] – [GM], Group buttons [A] – [H] and the
Number buttons [1] – [16].
3 Press the [F6] Vce Edit button to enter the
Mixing Voice Edit mode.
4 Call up the Common Edit display or Element
Edit display (for a Normal Voice)/Key Edit
display (for a Drum Voice) .
To call up the Common Edit display, press the
[COMMON EDIT] button. To edit more global
parameters related to the overall Voice and how it’s
processed, such as Arpeggio, Controller, and Effects,
call up the Common Edit display.
To call up the Element Edit display (for a Normal Voice),
press one of the Number buttons [1] – [8] to select the
Element to be edited. To call up the Drum Key Edit
display (for a Drum Voice), press the [1] button and the
key to be edited. If you wish to edit the sounds that
make up a Voice and the basic parameters that
determine the sound, such as Oscillator, Pitch, Filter,
Amplitude, and EG (Envelope Generator), call up the
Element Edit or Drum Key Edit display.
5 Call up the Edit display including the
parameters you wish to edit by pressing the
[F1] – [F6] buttons and [SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
Both Common Edit and Element Edit (or Drum Key Edit)
consist of several displays. To find a desired display,
note the tab menu corresponding to the [F1] – [F5]
buttons and [SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
6 Move the cursor to the desired parameter.
7 Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/
NO] buttons and the data dial.
8 Edit the Mixing Voice by repeating steps 4 – 7
as desired.
9 Enter a name for the Mixing Voice from the
Name display (page 55) of the Common Edit.
For detailed instructions on naming, see page 37.
10 If you wish to store the edited Voice, press the
[STORE] button to call up the Store window
(page 192).
For detailed instructions on storing, see page 144.
11 Press the [EXIT] or [MIXING] button to return
to the Mixing Play mode.
Voice Category Voice name
Voice Number
Voice Bank
[F6] button