User Manual

Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
2 Program (Performance number)
To each Performance within a Bank, a Number of 001 to
128 is assigned. The values in parentheses indicates
Group and Number.
3 Category
Indicates the Category of the selected Performance.
4 Name
Indicates the name of the current Performance.
5 Part 1 4
Indicates the Bank, Number, Main Category 1/2, and name
of the Voice which is assigned to each Part.
6 Effects
Indicates Reverb and Chorus settings of the selected
Parameters for the Voice assigned
to each Part—[F2] Voice
This display lets you specify the Voice and its note range of
each Part. The setting made here will be applied to the
same parameters in the Voice display (page 109) of Part
1 PART (Part Switch)
Determines whether the Part is used (on) or not used (off).
2 Voice Bank
3 Voice Number
4 Voice Name
Determines the Voice Bank and Number for each Part. The
two category names of the selected Voice are shown at the
Voice name column.
Determines the lowest and highest notes in the Part’s note
range. You can also create a lower and an upper range for
the Voice, with a note range “hole” in the middle, by
specifying the highest note first. For example, setting a
Note Limit of “C5 – C4” lets you play the Voice from two
separate ranges: C -2 to C4 and C5 to G8. Notes played
between C4 and C5 do not play the selected Voice.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
Changing the tonal characteristics—
[F3] EG (Envelope Generator)
This display lets you set the EG (Envelope Generator) and
Filter. The settings made here will be applied to the same
parameters in the EG display (page 115) of Part Edit as
1 AEG (Amplitude EG)
Determines the transition in volume from the moment a key
is pressed to the moment at which it is released. The AEG
consists of four parameters: Attack time, Decay time,
Sustain level, and Release time. For details, see page 51.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
2 FEG (Filter EG)
Determines the transition in tonal brilliance from the
moment a key is pressed to the moment at which it is
released. The FEG consists of four parameters: Attack
time, Decay time, Release time, and Depth. For details, see
page 51.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
3 Filter
You can produce a relatively bright or darker sound by
reducing or enhancing the harmonics. There are two
parameters: Cutoff (Cutoff Frequency) and Reso
(Resonance). For details, see page 51.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
12 3 4