User Manual

Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
3 Set the parameters for executing the Job.
Move the cursor to the desired parameter, then set the
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Job, press the [DEC/NO] button.
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Job.
After the Job has been completed, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the original
Even if a Job operation has been completed, selecting a
different Voice or turning the power off without storing will
erase the Voice data. Make sure to store the Voice data to
internal memory by pressing the [STORE] button before
selecting a different Voice or turning the power off.
6 Press the [EXIT] button to return to the Mixing
Voice Edit mode.
If you are editing a Mixing Voice but have not stored it
before switching to another Mixing Voice, the edits you
have made will be cleared. If this happens, you can use the
Recall function to restore the Mixing Voice with your latest
edits intact.
This Job lets you copy the Mixing Voice stored to a
specified Song/Pattern to another Song/Pattern.
1 Source Mixing Voice
Determines the source Mixing Voice by selecting Song or
Pattern (
01 – 64) then specifying the number (01 – 16, all).
The main category 1/main category 2 and name of the
selected Mixing Voice is indicated in the lower line.
2 Destination Mixing Voice
Determines the destination Mixing Voice. Same as above.
This Job deletes an unnecessary Mixing Voice. Note that
up to 256 Mixing Voices can be stored for all Songs and
Patterns. Accordingly, the Mixing Voice memory will
become full and additional Voices cannot be stored if
you’ve stored 16 different Voices for 16 different Songs. If
this occurs, use this Job to delete any unused Mixing
1 Mixing Voice to be deleted
Determines the Mixing Voice to be erased.
Song/Pattern: song, pattern
Song/Pattern number: 01 – 64
Mixing Voice number: 01 – 16, all
Common Edit parameters
This is the same as in the Normal Voice Common Edit
mode. See page 55. However, some parameters having
the same name as those in the Voice Common Edit mode
are not available in the Mixing Voice Edit mode.
Element Edit parameters
[MIXING] [F6] Vce Edit Element selection
from [1] – [8]
This is the same as in the Normal Voice Element Edit mode.
See page 69.
Recalling the unedited sound—[F2]
Copying another Mixing Voice Element
to the current one—[F3] Copy
Deleting a Mixing Voice—[F3] Delete