User Manual

Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
1 Sequencer Mode
Determines to which destination (Song or Pattern) your
Performance playing will be recorded.
Settings: pattern, song
2 Pattern number (Song number)
Determines the Pattern or Song number as the destination
for recording. The name of the selected Pattern or Song is
indicated at the right of the number.
3 Section
Determines the Section as the destination for recording
when the Sequencer Mode is set to “pattern.” Keep in mind
that the data recorded to the selected destination Section
will be overwritten and erased as soon as recording starts.
4 Section Length
Specifies the length of the Section when the Sequencer
Mode is set to “pattern.”
Settings: 001 – 256
5 Time Signature (Meter)
Determines the time signature.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
6 Tempo
Determines the tempo for recording. While recording, the
Arpeggio is played back at the tempo set here.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
n When MIDI Sync (page 228) is set to “MIDI” or “auto,” “MIDI”
or “auto” is displayed here and Tempo cannot be set.
n When the Sequencer Mode (1) is set to “pattern,” the Tempo
setting here will be recorded to the Pattern. Even if the
destination Pattern contains already recorded data, the Tempo
value will be replaced by the newly recorded one. When the
Sequencer Mode (1) is set to “song,” the Tempo setting here
will be recorded to the Tempo track of the destination Song, if
the Tempo track contains no data.
7 Key On Start Switch
When set to on, recording starts immediately when you
press any note on the keyboard.
Settings: on, off
8 Copy Performance Parameters
Determines whether or not the Performance parameter
settings are copied to the Mixing of the destination Song or
Settings: on, off
9 Measure (Indication only)
Indicates the current location of the recording via Measure
and Beat.
) Track Status (Indication only)
Indicates whether each track of the selected Song or
Pattern section contains sequence data or not.
! [SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
The Arpeggio types are assigned to the Sub Function
buttons with the 8th note icon on the display tab. You can
call them up by pressing these buttons any time while
recording. The Arpeggio Type can be set in the Arpeggio
display (page 98).