Operation Manual

MOTIF XF Owner’s Manual
Creating an original Pattern
5 Press the [SF4] Insert button to call up the Insert
Event window and assign Section A to the 1st beat
of the 1st measure.
After making sure that the Event Type is set to “Section,”
MEAS is set to “001,” BEAT is set to “01,” and CLOCK is set
to “000,” move the cursor to the corresponding location,
select “A” by using the data dial, then press the [SF6] Set
button to return to the Chain Edit display, from which you can
confirm that the Section A has been assigned to the top of
the Pattern Chain.
6 Using the same procedure as step 5, assign the
Section B to the 1st beat of the 5th measure.
7 Using the same procedure as step 5, assign the
Section C to the 1st beat of the 9th measure.
8 Using the same procedure as step 5, assign the
Section D to the 1st beat of the 13th measure.
9 Assign the “end” indicator to the 14th measure.
10 Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the Pattern
Play mode, then press the [R] (Play) button to
hear the chained playback of the Pattern
11 If necessary, press the [STORE] button to store
the Pattern Chain as the current Pattern.
How to correct mistakes in the setting
When setting the wrong Section
Move the cursor to the corresponding location, then select
the correct Section.
When setting the wrong measure
Move the cursor to the corresponding line, move the cursor
to MEAS, then change the measure number to the correct