User Manual

Voice Parameters
M: Decay 2 Level = Sustain Level
N: Release Level
Hold Time Determines the time between the moment you press a key on the
keyboard and the moment the envelope starts to rise.
Attack Time Determines the speed of attack from the initial Cutoff Frequency (at Hold
Level) to the maximum level of the Voice after the Hold Time has elapsed.
Decay 1 Time Determines how fast the envelope falls from the maximum Cutoff
Frequency (at Attack Level) to the Cutoff Frequency specified as the
Decay 1 Level.
Decay 2 Time Determines how fast the envelope falls from the Cutoff Frequency
specified as the Decay 1 Level to the Cutoff Frequency specified as the
Decay 2 Level.
Release Time Determines how fast the envelope falls from the Cutoff Frequency
specified as the Decay 2 Level to the Cutoff Frequency specified as the
Release Level when the note is released.
Hold Level Determines the initial Cutoff Frequency at the moment the key is pressed.
Attack Level Determines the maximum Cutoff Frequency which the envelope reaches
after a key is pressed.
Decay 1 Level Determines the level which the Cutoff Frequency reaches from the Attack
Level after the Decay 1 time elapses.
Decay 2 Level Determines the Cutoff Frequency which will be maintained while a note is
Release Level Determines the final Cutoff Frequency reached after the note is released.
EG Depth Determines the range over which the Cutoff Frequency envelope changes.
0: The Cutoff Frequency does not change.
The farther from 0 the value is, the larger the range of the Cutoff
Negative values: The change of the Cutoff Frequency is reversed.