User Manual

Voice Parameters
Each-on: The LFO resets with each note you play and starts a
waveform at the phase specified by the Phase parameter.
Figure 43: Key On Reset Each-on
A: Key On (first note)
B: Key On (second note)
X: Time
1st-on: The LFO resets with each note you play and starts a
waveform at the phase specified by the Phase parameter. If you play
a second note while the first is being held, the LFO continues cycling
according to the same phase as triggered by the first note--in other
words, the LFO only resets if the first note is released before the
second is played.
Figure 44: Key On Reset 1st-on
A: Key On (first note)
B: Key On (second note)
X: Time
Random Speed Determines the degree to which the LFO speed changes at random.
Higher values result in a larger degree of speed change.
0: Results in the original speed.
This parameter cannot be set when Tempo Sync is set to On.
Delay Determines the delay time between the moment you press a key on the
keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into effect.
A higher value results in a longer delay time.