User Manual

2-2-3 Chorus
Depending on the particular Chorus type and parameters, this can make a Voice sound
"larger," as if several identical instruments were playing in unison, or it can give a Voice greater
warmth and depth.
2-2-4 Flanger
This effect creates a swirling, metallic sound.
2-2-5 Phaser
Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound.
Tempo-synchronized Mono delay.
Tempo-synchronized Stereo delay.
CONTROL DELAY Delay with delay time that is controllable in real time.
DELAY LR Produces two delayed sounds: L and R.
DELAY LCR Produces three delayed sounds: L, R and C (center).
DELAY LR (Stereo) Produces two delayed sounds in stereo: L and R.
G CHORUS A Chorus Effect that produces a richer and more complex modulation than
normal chorus.
2 MODULATOR A Chorus Effect consisting of pitch modulation and amplitude modulation.
SPX CHORUS An effect which uses a 3-phase LFO to add modulation and spaciousness
to the sound.
SYMPHONIC A 3-phase Chorus which uses a complex LFO wave.
ENSEMBLE DETUNE Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch-shifted
VCM FLANGER These effects emulate the characteristics of an analog flanger used in the
1970s, recreating a warm, high-quality flanger effect.
CLASSIC FLANGER Conventional type of flanger.
TEMPO FLANGER Tempo-synchronized flanger.
DYNAMIC FLANGER Dynamically controlled flanger.
VCM PHASER MONO This effect emulates the characteristics of analog phasers used in the
1970s, recreating a warm, high-quality phaser effect. Mono phaser with
VCM technology producing a vintage sound.
This effect emulates the characteristics of analog phasers used in the
1970s, recreating a warm, high-quality phaser effect. Stereo phaser with
VCM technology producing a vintage sound.
TEMPO PHASER Tempo-synchronized phaser.
DYNAMIC PHASER Dynamically controlled phase shifter.