Operation Manual

An Example of MOXF6/MOXF8 Editor in Use: Mixing edit in the Song or Pattern mode
MOXF6/MOXF8 Editor Owner’s Manual
To confirm how the parameter edit affects the Voice sound, click any note on the virtual keyboard.
To make detailed settings of the selected Multi, click the arrow button at the top of the right panel
next to the main window to call up the Detailed Parameter section.
n The MOXF6/MOXF8 Editor lets you edit the Voice parameters in the Song or Pattern mode as well as Voice
mode. In the Voice mode, you can edit only the selected Voice. In the Song or Pattern mode, on the other
hand, you can edit the parameters of the Voice assigned to each Part as well as the Mixing parameters. The
edited Voice can be stored to the same Voice Bank as a User Voice regardless of the mode used for editing.
4. Store the edited Voice or a Mixing, as necessary.
4-1 Select the [Mixing Store] under [Edit] in the menu bar then store the edited Mixing.
4-2 Select the Part to which the desired Voice is assigned, select [Store Voice] under [Edit] in
the menu bar to call up the Store window (page 46) then store the Voice via the same
operations as in steps 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4.
5. Select [Save] or [Save As] under [File] on the menu bar to save the edited data as a file
(extension: *.X6E).
All the settings you made and the Voice data you stored to the User Banks will be saved as a single file
(extension: .X6E). When you open this file next time to call up the Auto Sync window, click [Start] to
synchronize the status of the parameter settings between the MOXF6/MOXF8 Editor and the MOXF6/
MOXF8 instrument.
The Save operation from the Cubase series File menu will save the Project file including the settings
made via the MOXF6/MOXF8 Voice Editor VST. This means that opening the same Project file next time
will call up the settings lastly made via the MOXF6/MOXF8 Voice Editor VST.