Operation Manual

An Example of MOXF6/MOXF8 Editor in Use: Editing in the Voice mode
MOXF6/MOXF8 Editor Owner’s Manual
4. From the Auto Sync window, click [Start] at the bottom.
The data synchronization will be started if the Port settings are correct. As soon as data synchronization
is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed, then the OFFLINE indication is changed to ONLINE
indication automatically. In this ONLINE status, editing a parameter on the MOXF6/MOXF8 Editor affects
the same parameter on the MOXF6/MOXF8 itself, and vice versa.
For more information, refer to “ONLINE/OFFLINE” on page 13.
5. Edit the Voice in the Voice mode.
5-1 On the “V” row of the Voice section, click the Bank name or Voice name to call up the
5-2 From the list in the VOICE LIBRARY, select the desired Voice to assign it temporarily to
the current Part.
You can confirm the sound of the selected Voice by clicking any note on the virtual keyboard or the
MOXF6/MOXF8 keyboard.
5-3 Click the Voice name or [OK] at bottom right of the window to close the VOICE LIBRARY
You can cancel the Voice selection by clicking the Close (X) button or [Cancel] button at bottom right of
the window. By executing this operation, the Voice selection is reset to the original status and the VOICE
LIBRARY window closes.
When a different Voice has been selected, your edits of the previously selected Voice will be lost. If you want to store
the edits, make sure to store the Voice by using the Store window (page 46) before changing the Voice.